Spiritual Wellbeing -What it means to be Sovereign
Owning your power
In this blog I will discuss what it means to be sovereign and its impact on our mental and spiritual wellbeing and thus by default our physical wellbeing too. For all are intrinsically linked. Most people are unaware of the freedom and power that is their birthright because it has been so clevely and insidiously removed. To be sovereign is to reclaim your power.
A Call to Arms
We’re in the midst of a war! Yes, a war on our our freedoms and our sovereignty. Therefore you need to decide what kind of role you are going to play, because there are no fences to sit on, we are all directly being affected or infected!
Which are you?
Both are equally valid, absolve yourself of any misplaced guilt at just managing one of these important parts in the change. But do stand up to be counted, it’s the greatest war of our life time and possibly your life’s purpose – if you’re going to survive!
Stand up
An individual that is capable of looking beyond the mainstream rhetoric that is being spoon fed to us Big Brother stylee? Prepared to stand up to these draconian, totalitarian infringements upon our civil liberties, with your head firmly and visibly above the parapet, sharing truths in any way you can? Doing whatever is in your power to do? Refusing to be cowed, a freedom fighter!
Or, using your skills as a psychic and light worker to shine a loving light on all the many layers of truth for others and the world at large to see, intuit and feel safe within. Keeping and feeding the energetic resonance needed to maintain the Earth’s balance? Whilst, protecting the freedom radicals?
Or perhaps you identify more as a passenger in this change without the power or faith to exercise your voice. My definition of a passenger; someone who is riding this current apocalypse on the disingenuous coat tails of giant corporate greed, misled, mired in fear and most likely, projectile vomiting it all over anyone whose taken either of the other two options! And it’s okay to be that, I may sound like I am judging you but I am not, we all must do what we can live in peace with. I am just seeing you and forgiving you.
2021 and beyond
I know so many had high hopes for a return to “normality” in 2021, but I am afraid that ship has thankfully begun to properly sink. It has to be, we were literally eating the natural world to death, physically and metaphysically. And, when it’s gone, it’s really gone and so are we!
Small price to pay
I, amongst many other lightworkers, forecast that the good times will not materialise until 2024! Hard to hear I am sure, very easy to deny because that seems too far in the future for any sort of comfort. However, just to get a little perspective, that’s less than a prime ministerial term in office and look how little they actually achieve and here we’re talking a realigned, sustainable, loving world! And, at the very least, a small price for the greater one of continued existence.
No joy division
The divisive split in opinions is a true reflection of the machiavellian tactics we are subject to, we have been skilfully coerced into falling out with our nearest and dearest over our personal perceptions of what is happening to our world.
Death us do part
I have been called all sorts because I can’t go along with the charade that we’re in the midst of a dire crisis which can only be solved by wearing a mask and staying isolated at home! I feel frustrated and broken hearted that I cannot convince some of my favourite souls to see the truth, I fear they will die and not make it through this cull.
I know they think I am mad, that I’ve fallen down a twisted rabbit hole, warped by conspiracy theories and equally likely to die in my own naivety and stupidity.
Irreversible split
It’s reaching the point where the divide is so great, the difference so uncomfortable, isolating from each other is becoming permanent.
Viral reality
I am not suggesting there is not a flu type virus making its rounds amongst us, much like previous its incarnations; SARS, Influenza, Spanish Flu, Black Death etc (Yes, I know the Black Death was a different type of virus, but a pandemic created by ourselves).
Poisonous greed
It’s clear there is, and given that we live in a toxic, overpopulated world, we’re actually due this kind of natural cull. We do this to each other time and again and will continue to do so until we make the connection! Life needs balance in order to continue to exist, our misplaced emphasis on material wealth, driven by our egocentric greed has fucked that up that balance!
Powerful minds
I do find it fascinating how that some, clearly those with very powerful minds, go from feeling fine, get a positive test result and find themselves suddenly at death’s door? I’m not denying their suffering is real, merely pointing out the mainly overlooked and underestimated, power of the mind!
It is so funny, and actually rather macabre, that anyone who takes the time to delve deeper, this unfortunately means moving away from mainstream media, which is completely bought and sold by its advertisers and thus churning out totally unreliable, sanitised crap, is labelled a conspiracy theorist.
For some reason I am reminded of Guy Fawkes, whom we like to ritualistically burn each year in remembrance of his folly to revolt against the system. Another massive conditioning we’ve just sucked up without even questioning? Subtle, clever re-affirmation!
Truth is hard to find
Anything that goes against the rhetoric you’re expected to swallow keeps disappearing, faster than most of us can manage to keep up with. Why? Because nearly all communication mediums are owned by giant corporates who are spying on our content, under the well worn guise of protection, and removing anything that isn’t on point. We are not allowed to think for ourselves, that makes us dangerous!
Self health shut down
We are not allowed to know about or manage our own health in the West, have you ever considered that? I know this, and you should know this if you’ve been reading my blogs for a long while, from all my blogs on how to use essential oils to self heal being closed down at the beginning of this mockdemic! Keeping us dependent, managing our symptoms and never truly healing means big bucks! The health industry is worth £33 trillion dollars!
Irrefutable truth
Why? Because health is the biggest business there is, none of us are exempt, we’ve all got skin in this game! And, at the central core of this current world order is money and the greed for it! Money is the current indicator for success and happiness in the Western World, even though we intuitively know this is not the case! #moneycorrupts
The future
The new world order places love at its centre, and no this isn’t a Disney fantasy millions of strangers across the Globe have co-created to fool you with, this is the palpable future and the point of this revolution. How can so many unconnected people share the same visions, knowledge and beliefs?
Self examination
Ask yourself, do you really want your old life back? How enjoyable was/is the rat race? Was/is all the financial stress really worth it? When did we start expecting immunity to pandemics? Can it really be a shock that all this pollution and overcrowding coupled with deforestation can have a detrimental impact on the human race? Can you really believe all this ridiculous, contrary information over what’s allowed or what’s not? How can so many intelligent people be wrong in questioning what’s really going on? Look deeper, why aren’t differing opinions being allowed? Why are all these previously eminent doctors, scientists etc being discredited? Laughably so!
And, finally, what have you learnt about yourself in this past 12 months? What’s really important to you? What kind of world do you want to live in? Stand Up or be Upstanding, be counted.
Tarot card for 2021
What kind of 2021 will you be having? Let the Tarot divine it for you, by taking your date of birth, add it to your month and then to 2021 and find the corresponding card.
For example:
11/11/1970 would be 2+2+7=11 Therefore 2
(1+1+1+1+7+0 = 11 1+1=2)
2021 = 2+2+0+1=5
2+5=7 The Chariot VII
Final word
I trust I have conveyed what it is to be sovereign, that is to stand in your own power relying on your own instincts and not the gilded manipulations of others. This means your role is to be truly you, listening to all the wisdom of your own intuition and gut and not being sucked into other people vortex of fear. This can appear like a lonely stance but believe me there are many of us and you will be found, loved and accepted.
And, if you were repelled by what you read, don’t worry about it because this message clearly isn’t for you.
Next step
If you like what you’ve read and seek to develop your spiritual awareness and personal powers of intuition, I run a bespoke Introduction to Witchcraft Workshop, which is all about increasing spiritual wellbeing and awareness.
In support or in stead, I can enhance your wellbeing with my range of bespoke wellbeing products. I’ve put together a bespoke shopping guide if you’d like support in understanding how to make the best of me.