Mental Wellbeing – Be humane to Yourself
I wanted to write this blog because I am coming across too many people striving for perfection in our imperfect world and that’s not only totally unachievable, it’s damaging to mental wellbeing. In this blog I will address the need for you to be humane to yourself, why it is important to wellbeing and how you can naturally go about doing it. Timing is of course everything, and now we’re in Autumn and making the descent into our shadow realms for the necessary shadow work of Winter, humanity for ourselves will make this journey a thousand times more pleasant and useful.
What does it mean to be humane to yourself?
Simply put, and I oh so love simplicity in storytelling, being humane to yourself means showing kindness and compassion for yourself. It’s about self love, treating yourself as the good guy who tried their hardest and not the bad guy who failed to deliver.
Why is being humane to yourself important to wellbeing?
Yes, there might be instances you can recall from the last twelve months where you didn’t achieve the goal you set yourself, perhaps something like a bad habit you know you should break, but beating yourself up for not making it isn’t going to make you feel any better about it. In fact, the more you dwell on any failures the more negative power you channel onto them, magnifying their importance and impact on mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
On a mental level, a harsh inner critic is damaging to your self esteem. Sticking with the bad habit analogy, this creates very self-destructive thought patterns. On a physical level, this causes the release of cortisol e, the stress hormone, everytime you commit your sin obliterating all the gains and lowering your physical defences and thus compromising your immune system. On a spiritual level, you’re leaving craters in your auric field inviting all sorts of negative energies in to thrive. It’s basically a wellbeing cluster fuck!
How can I become humane to myself?
I like to start with remodeling your thought process, putting some work into redefining what being human actually means, which is nothing to do with perfection. Firstly, perfection in complex beings like ourselves ain’t never going to happen and nor should it. The world around us isn’t perfect and we’re a mirror of that, day follows night like darkness follows light. You need good and bad for balance, it’s all about balance!
Plus, we never ever stop growing and developing, life would be pretty boring if we did. We are perfect humans in our imperfections, a work in progress, ever changing and becoming richer, more colourful, more varied and wiser.
The best thing we can aim for is self acceptance, self knowledge and self love. By aspiring to those three principles we can inspire and educate those we come into contact with. By sharing our weaknesses and errors we suddenly fall from our pedestals and walk alongside of our clients/fellow human beings. Clearly demonstrating, there is always an opportunity to turn it around, whilst there’s still life in your body.
I’ve spent my entire life wishing I was more like Buddha, more patient and less reactive. At times I’ve managed to look like Buddha ;-D but rarely have I felt the inner peace I believe he channels! Though, I do feel that when I am working to be fair, but that’s because I finally found my reason to be; it took my until I was 40 to live out my childhood dream!
My mind is full of noise, colour and creation, being an empath means I’m absorbing vast quantities of information at the speed of light. I can’t stop that, I can change the scenery and reduce the input levels by shutting myself in a cave at the edge of the world but that’s not my life… yet!
Natural ways to create humanity
There are plenty of good books or audio out there on how to develop a cleaner, leaner, greener thought processes. Having a more constructive inner voice makes meditating a whole lot nicer! Meditating daily is good practice, no you don’t need to find a temple or oasis of tranquility to manifest this one, with the right breathing exercises you can dip into your inner self whenever you need. I recommend daily because it’s important to know where you’re at, unfortunately if you don’t pay attention to yourself it’s likely that either your dreams will get you or you will manifest disease.
Next up, if you do have some bad habits, either learn to enjoy them or put an end to them. How many stories do we hear of people living into their nineties and still smoking cigarettes, this is because they enjoy them and don’t care what people think. The mind has far more power over the body than we give it credit for!
Use essential oils, they are as holistic as we are and treat mind, body and spirit wellbeing. Certain essential oils, remember your nose is your doctor, will promote feelings of love, self acceptance and peace – as in shut up your inner critical bitch. There are essential oils that will help break bad habits and clean up the mess they’ve created. And of course, there are essential oils that give spiritual protection and cleansing, which can be applied to chakra/energy portals to protect the auric field.
Use mega vitamin dosing, by giving your body enough of the right vitamins and minerals you turn off cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. I am talking mega dosing and not the odd one or two tablets here and there…This is a proper therapy.
Next steps
I know that this will be hard for some of you, I don’t find it particularly easy either, I have a real perfectionist trying to exist within and control me. And, so what I am asking you is to apply humanity to yourself in the process of developing self humanitarian skills; start as you mean to go on.
I am on hand for those seeking support around this process, if you let me read your birth chart I can establish natural ways that will work for you.
If you’d like to try some essential oils, book yourself in an aromatherapy session with me and come and find out what you like.
If you’d like to try mega vitamin dosing, book yourself in for a wellbeing consultation so I can work out exactly what you will need.
Useful links
Thank you! This couldn’t have popped up at a more perfect time. So many things that I say to others and don’t do for myself.