Holistic Wellbeing – How Astrobiology relates to health and wellbeing
It’s a Supernatural World!
In this blog, I am going to put the most salient points about how astrobiology relates to health and wellbeing. This blog promises to either open your mind or confirm what you’ve already suspected and noticed. This is not a new practice, its beyond ancient and largely lost in our current culture…but it is returning through people like me.
Secret societies & mystery schools
The contents of this blog is known, and has always been known by the ‘secret’ societies that run the World. It’s been taught at Mystery Schools for thousands of years, judged too special for ordinary folk and thus purposely complex!
Age of Aquarius
We’re in the midst of seismic shifts with karmic patterns coming to an end. Driven by this new dawn of Aquarius and the global need for spiritual awakening and reconnection, which can no longer be denied or ignored. We’ve had the dark ages and now we’re heading to the light, to become a more balanced harmonised version of both.
Global shared spiritual beliefs
It should come as no surprise that all the varying secret spiritual societies share a common understanding of how the supernatural works in the World.
The seemingly impossible is in fact possible, all these disparate groups coming to the same conclusions about spiritual beliefs, make them fundamentally true. From the hermit on Mount Sinai in the 2nd Century to the medieval German mystic to the 20th century Indian swarmi!
How, because we have a spiritual connection to one another now, in the past and in the future. Time is not linear and we’re made of energy so thoughts transmits a frequency others can tune into.
Christianity responsible for the secrecy
In the West, the power behind all this current furtiveness stems from Christianity, which became Rome’s ruling religion in the 3rd Century. They deemed trafficking these ‘heretical’ secrets a capital offence, which means punishment by death. It was far more useful to keep the general populace ignorant, it made them easier to control.
Secret Wisdom
So, like Witchcraft in the 12th Century, it was safer to go underground rather than risk death and knowledge got handed down by word of mouth. However, as is often the case, secret symbols of its continued existence sprung up everywhere. One common example, the holding of a rolled scroll, think how many statues you’ve seen doing that and in how many different cultures.
What was at the beginning of time
To strip this right back, and help us to understand where this fountain of wisdom sprung from, consider what there was before there was time. What exactly is time? Try to view the world from the perspective of Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland.
Measuring time
We judge time as a measure of the changing positions of the solar system, a year being the earth’s revolution around the sun, a day is its revolutions on its own axis. Yet beyond that, we’ve forgotten the innate link between human existence and the solar system, which is overlooked by modern science. Dropped from the curriculum in the 19th Century.
Planetary correlations with human organs
Interestingly, Rosicrucians maintain that the main organs of the body have corresponding planets. This is what I believe too and use in my practice of Medical Astrology, though my interpretations are more in-depth. This will give you an idea though:
The Heart – Sun
Lungs – Mercury
Kidneys – Venus
Liver – Jupiter
Gallbladder – Mars
Spleen – Saturn
Pituitary Gland – Moon
Ruled by the planets
The alignment of these planets affects how these organs operate, which in turn affects how we’re feeling, thinking, etc during those phases. The ancients, and I agree, believed all our body parts were represented in nature, biology was in fact astrobiology; certainly certain fruit and veg closely resemble body parts!
And it’s curious to note, that it takes 25,920 years for the sun to complete a full orbit of the zodiac, which is not only the average human lifespan in days (72) but also average number of breaths we take daily?!
Mind over matter universe
My cry in this blog is for the loss of this celestial connection, for which modern science is culpable. Scientists prefer the comfort of the explainable, as opposed to the enigma of mystery, promoting the matter over mind doctrine to account for the start of life. They’re stuck on trying to establish how life came into being, with no consideration for human consciousness, which is more ‘mind over matter‘; regarding the latter as an accident of matter, an unfortunate mistake. Yes, this seemingly insignificant cliche is actually spectacularly significant in representing the ancient’s philosophy for the meaning behind life.
The narrow lense of modern science
Science enforces a narrow, reductive view of our consciousness, undermining the shadowy power of prayer, premonitions, out of body experiences, sadly denying that life has any meaning. Instead encouraging a lacklustre ‘just get on with it’ approach to life and wellbeing. This dulls our 6th senses and appreciation of how miraculous it is to be alive, and encourages little accountability for our thoughts.
Past Wisdom
To ancient man, thoughts were everything, physical objects were secondary and life was rich with symbolism. Their recording of history is an account of how human consciousness evolved.
Now-a-days, words have the edge and we give greater credence to what we see and touch rather than sense and feel.
Yes, Astrology, birth signs, astrological charts still exist, but few know how to read them let alone believe and act upon them. In the past, our predecessors could read the sky, putting complete faith in what was depicted there. To be an astrologer was a position of great importance, now it’s rather denigrated and seen as a bit ‘mental health’ to admit you’re a believer.
Although, not so in China, chinese medicine continues to work with these intrinsic truths, very successfully too.
No such thing as original thought
We also like to imagine we’re capable of original thoughts, but the ancients believed thoughts peopled instead. Yet, notice that famous people throughout modern history, regularly claim their genius came to them in a dream. That they were suddenly infused with a thought, they felt driven by the hand of another, everything they touched turned to gold.
We’re missing divine intervention
The majority of us seem to believe that we’re not the chosen ones because nothing extraordinary happens to us. However, just by thinking and believing that we’re making this happen. Having lost our spiritual connection to ourselves and everyone else we’ve dialed out of the positive side of divine intervention. And, because we actually do share collective consciousness, we’re just getting dull shit instead.
We’re are one
Positive thoughts carry a lot more energy than negative ones, thankfully, so putting your focus on those is a powerful way to do good. Byron Katie’s Loving What Is, advocates thought policing, this is worth doing, notice, promote, disregard, to the point your channeling your energy into helping the world. You should notice you get a seriously lovely wellbeing vibes when you do this. A bit like getting the reward points in a computer game. I could wax lyrical about this for paragraphs, there is so much to say, but I’ve kept you long enough and fed you with enough to cogitate for more.
Accessing the spirit world
P.s. If you’re up for believing in a mind before matter universe, if you can channel Alice, please note that communion with the spirit world should be left to the initiated because inexperienced access is actually dangerous….. Kids leave those ouija boards alone, unless you REALLY know what you’re doing!
Next Steps
Now you know how astrobiology can be used to achieve physical, mental and spiritual well being. Get your Medical Astrological Chart read and find out which planets relate to your astrobiology.
If you want full access to my all of my skills as a Medical Intuitive trained in Aromatherapy, Medical Astrology, Vitamin Therapy and Herbs book yourself a 360 Bespoke Consultation , which includes you Medical Astrology Chart reading.
A Medical Astrological Chart reading makes for a lovely, bespoke gift for adults and children alike.