Physical Wellbeing – The link between Astrobiology, Tissue Salts and Wellbeing.
I’ve often wondered what Tissue Salts are when I’ve spied them in the more traditional chemists and health food shops. And, the time finally came for me, of course in a totally random and unexpected way, to learn about these amazing salts and their astonishing link to astrobiology and thus wellbeing; many thanks to the lovely french witch known as Mireille. I love and trust in everything related to medical astrology, appreciating its intrinsic link to wellbeing, for we humans really are microcosms of the macrocosm!
Definition of a tissue salt
Just so we’re all on the same page, tissue salts can be known as cell salts or biochemistry salts too. They are comprised of natural mineral salts, which are found in the natural world and also within the tissues in our body.
History of tissue salts
Apparently, tissue salts are the brain children of Dr Wilhelm Schüessler, a German physician from the last 1800s. He discovered that human tissues and cells could be broken down into twelve inorganic mineral salts, which if out of balance caused diseases. Life is always all about balance, though maybe I keep getting this message because my Pluto is in Libra!
And, I say apparently because I can’t believe that other previous civilisations weren’t aware of this powerful wellbeing information, I am pretty sure they ground up minerals and metals and added them to their diets for health and healing. They were far more sophisticated that modern history gives them credit for!
One for every zodiac
And, what I find so interesting is that there a tissue salt for every zodiac sign that relates to the body system that zodiac governs, et voila astrobiology! I’ll split them all out for you, into the houses they relate to astrologically. This way you can learn about tissue salts and which zodiacs rule which astrological house.
House 1 – Aries tissue salt is Potassium Phosphate, known as Kali phos, which creates the union of albumin and oxygen creating life. Aries governs everything head and brain related, the Crown chakra, this is the highest vibrational tissue salt. Kali phos gives us contact with unlimited electrical powers.
House 2 – Taurus tissue salt is Sulphate Sodium, known as Nat sulph, and responsible for removing excess salt from the body and supporting the digestive system. Taurus governs the throat, lower jaw, neck and ears, the Throat chakra, Taurus, the do’er, is all about truth.
House 3 – Gemini tissue salt is Kali Muriaticum, known as Kali mur, and is essential for the formation of fibrin, which is in every tissue and organ except bones. Gemini governs the bronchi and lungs, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Gemini, the experiencer of life, is related to our Sacral chakra.
House 4 – Cancer tissue salt is Calcareum Fluoricum, known as Calc fluor, and is a strong substance with elastic properties and necessary for teeth enamel, nail, bones, crystalline lens of the eyes and elastic fibres in muscle tissues. Fertile Cancer rules the chest, stomach, spleen, organs responsible for fluid secretions and white blood cells. Cancer manages the body’s expansion and contraction and relates to the Heart chakra.
House 5 – Leo tissue salt is Magnesium Phosphoricum, known as Mag phos, which acts on our motor nerves bringing action and movement. Leo rules the cardiovascular system, myelin sheaths on the nerves, back, spine and spinal cord. Leo rules our heart chakra, though some prefer to place Leo in the Solar Plexus.
House 6 – Virgo tissue salt is Kali Sulphuricum, known as Kali sulph, which produces and distributes oils across our bodies to keep us lubricated. Virgo rules the solar plexus, all the organs within it and the sixth house representing health. Just behind the stomach, 12 different nerve ganglias meet, each representing a different zodiac/body part, therefore the solar plexus reflects the wellbeing of the whole body.
House 7 – Libra tissue salt is Natrum Phosphate or Sodium Phosphate, known as Nat phos. This tissue salt maintains the acidity levels in our bodily fluids. Libra governs the hips, lumbar region, kidneys and acid alkali balance in the body. Nat phos neutralises lactic and uric acids, converting them into harmless compounds for elimination. Libra is connected to the Sacral chakra.
House 8 – Scorpio tissue salt is Calcium Sulphate, knowns as Calc sulph or plaster of paris! It covers all vascular surfaces with a plaster of paris membrane, protecting them from harsher fluids like stomach acid. Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, bladder, kidney, pelvis, prostrate, rectum and groin. Scorpio relates to the Root chakra.
House 9 – Sagittarius tissue salt is Silica, which isn’t abbreviated! Silica is regarded as Nature’s surgeon because it travels around the body pushing through and around congested cells, freeing and clearing them out. It’s made from quartz and it’s molecules are pointed like the tip of a spear. Silica acts slowly like Sagittarius but accurately. I put Sagittarius as a ruler of the Crown chakra.
House 10 – Capricorn tissue salt is Calcium Phosphate, known as Calc phos. This tissue salt is all about the bones, making this the tissue salt the body needs the most of. It forms the skeleton of every cell in our bodies. We need it to help digest our food, digest calcium and in large amounts. Capricorn rules the structures in our bodies, bones, knee joints, ears, teeth, hamstrings and Root chakra.
House 11 – Aquarius – Natrum muriaticum, known as Nat mur, is a common salt found in all of the body fluids. Nat mur regulates endosmosis, which is the flow of good stuff into the cells and removal of bad stuff from them. Aquarius rules the lower limbs, circulation, ankles, left ear and Third eye chakra.
House 12 – Pisces tissue salt is Ferrum Phosphate, known as Ferrum phos, and much like Pisces this is the helper tissue salt. Ferrum phos calms inflammation, restores fluid balance, restores the walls of blood vessels and arteries. Pisces rules the feet, lymphatic system, blood, death, hospitalisation and the Third Eye chakra.
Final word
You now know what a tissue salt is, twelve of the main ones, what each of them does and how they link to astrobiology and wellbeing. Most of them will take some time to work, so please be consistent with usage. If you’d like to learn more about your personal astrology, book yourself an Astrology Reading with me .
If you’d like support with your wellbeing, I offer 360 degree bespoke wellbeing consultations where I look at your birth chart and twelve body systems in depth, using a combination of Medical Astrology, Essential Oils and Nutrition Therapy to heal you.