Living with a Persistent Mini Klepto
So, how is that going down in our household? It’s not, in the life of my 5 nearly 6-year-old boy!
Not only did we have some more underhand eating of stolen goods this morning, I discovered he’d nicked a pick and mix chocolate mini egg and a small soft toy this afternoon in the supermarket.
I really do despair; the message really isn’t getting through and I’m a bit poleaxed by this enduring kleptomania.
Caught in Time
Fortuitously, I discovered the crime before we left the supermarket so was able to march him straight to customer services…I couldn’t find the security guard…. Explaining that my son had tried to nick this soft toy, and could someone please explain why this was completely wrong and unacceptable behaviour.
Yes, it was extremely embarrassing, I actually had to swallow down some unanticipated tears, but what else could I do? I’m clearly not enough to get this salient point through.
Getting the Message Across
Once he’d emptied his pockets, apologised and we were safely ensconced in the car, I proceeded to clarify the consequences of stealing something that you hadn’t paid for; someone, somewhere always pays the price for this kind of selfish behaviour. When I got to the point that nothing in the supermarket came for free, my daughter unhelpfully pointed out that the fruit did; nothing quite like a smart arse to undermine your authority!
You’re on CCTV
I’ve also told him that we were being recorded, and this particular chain of supermarket will be sharing his image across the Country, so everyone will know what he’s done and watch him when he’s out shopping.
Emotionally Programming Whilst I still Can
Perhaps, a little harsh but what else should I do? I’ve only got these few early years to get these crucial, fundamental concepts programmed into his brain. In the next year, I will lose my influence to his peers, from then on in I will have negligible impact on his thoughts and behaviours; I am at high risk of no longer being a trusted source of information, losing my credit. And, if he hasn’t learnt right from wrong by the time he’s a teenager, we will all suffer the consequences.
Darker Side of Mother Love
I absolutely hate this side of parenting, I love my children beyond anything and everything, I don’t want to spend my precious time with them being the bad guy.
Taking Responsibility
But it is because of this deep love, and recognition that, for now, they are my responsibility, I have too. I have to impress that we live in a society, we’re connected to one another, a lot more intrinsically than we’ve been led to believe and actions have consequences.
Living their Best Lives
In order for our society to succeed and achieve harmony, we need rules and boundaries. It’s not wise or constructive to believe you’re above the laws of life, really just ignorant and destructive. And, I want my children to understand those laws and rules so they can lead the best lives they can.
Anyway, this is the darker side of mother love, when I started this I always promised to be honest and share the less than perfect life I lead.