Wellbeing – How can you improve your Heart Health
My main passion in this lifetime is helping people to achieve true health by making the connections between their mind, body and soul. I am a fan of the Eastern approach to medicine combined, when necessary, with the Western. A lot of answers exist but the dots are rarely joined! And, if I am being skeptical I would say in the interests of the pharmaceutical companies. Knowledge is power and therefore is rarely freely shared in case the masses become out of control or worse, stop purchasing!
Cardiac Coherence
This blog will cover the practice of Cardiac Coherence, which is not only hugely beneficial to heart health but also a fabulous tool for physical, mental and spiritual wellness. I came across it when visiting a fantastic hypnotherapist for trauma therapy. The world definitely needs more love and in light of the recent Covid fall out, a serious improvement in heart health.
The role of the Heart
Unsurprisingly, scientists have realised that the heart is more than just an organ to pump blood around the body. It directs and aligns our central nervous system, cardiovascular, hormonal and immune systems. And, we know it holds it’s very own intuition, which if we don’t take heed of can see us becoming very unstuck. I recommend reading The Alchemist, by Paulo Cohelo, to appreciate this in greater depth.
The Power of the Heart
Obviously, our heart is in constant communication with our brain, as all of our organs are. But, what we’re not commonly taught is that, the heart actually has its own intelligence and decision making powers and can thus influence the brain and vice versa. The heart sends its own emotional and intuitive signals to the rest of our body. Hence why, in heightened states of emotions, we get irregular heart beats when stressed, depressed or anxious and a faster or slower heartbeat in states of excitement or bliss.
The heart is also the gateway between the upper and lower chakras, it plays an enormous role in our spiritual wellbeing. It can take in negative energy and transmute it into positive energy, it can heals itself and others. The heart is one of the largest and most important energy portals for our human experience, our very own sacred drum.
Heart’s impact on life time
I read in the New Scientist, many moons ago, that small animals only have a certain number of heart beats within their life cycles. So, if they lead a very stressful life they will not live very long. I often wonder if this does apply to humans but is another unexplained truism hidden from us.
Cardiac Coherence Explained
Thoughts, feelings and emotions play out in the body not just in the brain. Based on this, the practice of Cardiac Coherence is to learn how to control our hearts, to gain a highly efficient physiological state in which our systems are running together in harmony.
When you achieve this, you can access a sea of inner calm whenever you need it. And, let’s face it, in the modern World in which most of us live, that’s got to be a good goal to have.
How to achieve Cardiac Coherence
So how do you do it? It’s not a conventional relaxation technique by any means. The aim is to establish cardiac coherence at any level of heartbeat. You achieve this through performing a type of online visual exercising, which involves channeling your heart energy to light up images. The images are beautiful and it can be hard to start with but the more you do the easier it becomes until you’ve developed the ability and can just do it for yourself anywhere under any circumstance.
It’s a way to literally light yourself up from the inside out until you become a beaming ray of pure love.
Essential Oils for Cardiac Coherence Training
To help you to focus in your cardiac coherence training, I recommend either a dry inhalation of Peppermint or diffusing Rosemary, Peppermint, Rose, Geranium or Lavender. With heart wellbeing, think chakra coloured essential oils, which are pink or green.
You may find spiritual essential oils like Sandalwood or Frankincense easier for this practice. To read more about why, read my blog.
Essential Oils for Heart Health
If you suffer from anxiety, experience panic attacks or high blood pressure it is very restricting and unpleasant. Essential oils that can help you to combat these very real symptoms are Rose, Lavender, Peppermint or Wild orange. Because we’re all truly unique, it will be down to a combination of personal taste and aromatherapy to find what will work for you.
You can learn more about essential oils in my Essential Oil Workshops
Buying Essential Oils
The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not.
They are precious medicine, extremely versatile, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest Essential Oils, you can buy them directly from me by simply getting in touch via email.
It’s always best to purchase Essential Oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information.
Improve your Heart Health
If you wish to improve your heart health, I can help you with a 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation or teach you how to manage your own health with my series of Self Health Workshops.