I know snappy title right! There just didn’t seem a more succinct way to convey my current, guilt ridden fail!
Guilty Secret
I confess to never really looking forward to the holidays with my kids, it never quite makes it to feeling like a break. And, I put this down to being self-employed and those blurred lines between work life balance!
Skin in the Game
I can’t just fuck off and put my feet up, my business is me and there is no real escape, not just a bit of skin in the game but an entire body! It has got easier as they’ve become more independent, but as my friends warned me, that just comes with a different selection of problems, generally more serious ones.
Searing Truth
That confession does make me feel a bit monstrous, after all I have two healthy (sort of) kids, I should be counting my blessings. And, they can both be lovely and great fun, sometimes….
Crap Timing
It’s just that the holidays never seem to fall at the right time. I always seem to have work I need to do. Or, as I have managed to pull off this time, booked myself onto something I absolutely cannot do without; again business related.
Mea Culpa
I absolutely adore what I do, I am completely committed to making it work. It gives me parts of myself back to me, parts which I thought I’d lost on the delivery table. Parts I didn’t realise I would need to stay sane when we decided to procreate. Parts I can no longer ignore or put to one side.
7 Second Workout
I’ve given this a lot of guilt ridden thought this week, in the seconds I’ve had between working and half-term, and I’ve arrived at the conclusion that my post menopausal state has significantly added to this conundrum.
Meno Fallout
I’ve lost my sharp mind and ability to truly multitask, the foggy haze I exist within allows for only one activity at a time or else everything is lost to the sands of time. To make this plainer, if I am doing something and someone tries to ask me a question about something else I literally malfunction, I can’t switch thought lanes. The befuddling makes me super grumpy with the irritation of this loss! And, what do kids like to do, well mine anyway, ask endless random questions….cue Muma Bitch!
Dark Confessions
So, this half-term has been a bit of a verbal war zone as I’ve tried to juggle a new course, extra kids exposure and my existing work load. And, it’s not only the kids paying the price of my fail, I feel like the worst example of a mother too. Though now a mother with some killer SEO moves….#alwaysasilverlining
Tragic Wake Up Call
Today, I put them first and we went out twice, the second time to the beach. Though I kid you not, someone jumped off the cliff minutes before we got there so a lot of it was blocked off for most of it. Talk about harsh wake up call for perspective!
Magic on the Beach
We made the best of what we could do by creating a little magic to refocus our intentions and love for one another. We each wrote and drew our wishes onto large pebbles and threw them into the sea. That felt very good, I managed to sneak in some of my new wisdom, and we’re now all a lot calmer. ;-D