If you haven’t already gathered, I am taking Maddy Shine’s #ShowUpGetBooked Challenge this week to enhance my social media presence and attract more people to help, empower and heal.
This has involved some fabulous challenges, which I’ve done my best to respond too by way of improving this website. I’d love to get your feedback about your experience on my site. One of my users says she finds it really hard to find my Blogs, do you feel the same? Let me know what you’d like me to do to improve your experience of my site.
Also, I’d love to know what you like to hear about from me. I believe its my knowledge share on essential oils, wellbeing, indigenous herbs, witchcraft, and overall life learnings and mistakes. But I could be wrong? What else would make you want to check in and spend some time with me regularly?
Next up, please can you tell me what you love about my service, workshops, consultations? I do always try to remember to get people to complete testimonials after each training session but I don’t ask after the consultations because it feels so personal. Should I? Would you feel ok about me asking?
And finally, if you haven’t tried me out yet, why not? What is holding you back? Something’s obviously got you to here, so what’s going wrong and stopping you making that next step? I love honesty, so please just give it to me straight.