Physical Wellbeing – 5 natural steps to health
I am all about promoting self health, getting you to realise your health and wellbeing is in your own hands and yours to manage and protect. To achieve wellbeing self care it is just a case of becoming clued up on how to do it. In this blog I will share five natural steps to health based on my knowledge and skills as a wellbeing expert aka Green Witch!
Stripped from birth
Our disempowerment over of our own health and wellbeing starts from birth, literally! In our society, we’re stripped of our innate reflexes, as are our parents from the minute we’re born. A poignant example being, as babies we’re not even left to sleep as we choose, our parents can’t handle us as they intuit. We are controlled through our fear of death which significantly undermines our natural instincts.
Not educated
We’re not really taught about real health or wellbeing at school, what it is and how to manage ourselves. And, I would argue that the basic tenets are missing from the medical training schools too, they completely neglect spirit and barely cover skin or nutrition. How can that be? We are spiritual beings made of energy, framed in skin who need sustenance to exist?
Self taught
So the best thing to do is become self aware of health and wellbeing, trust your own intuition and be your own health and wellbeing project manager. No, you don’t need to become a doctor but it’s a bloody good idea to know and fully understand the underlying causes of your ill health and not get caught up and distracted by perpetual simple symptom management.
Symptom management
The healthcare system focuses on symptom management, this is not only easier to address it’s an infinite financial growth model which the pharmaceutical industry will do everything in its autocratic power to protect!
Continual ill health symptom management is a dangerous masking activity that will cascade across your entire wellbeing like a bowling ball knocking down skittles. Sometimes it’s a strike, sometimes a spare, though generally it’s more insidious so you barely notice until it’s too late! What I mean is, you start managing the symptoms of one health problem and the medicine you use brings on another health problem!
The problem
Our health and wellbeing are understandably complex, the human body contains forty trillion cells and we have around thirty seven billion billion chemical reactions per second; baby you’re a firework! Expecting one pharmaceutical drug to solve your health problem is akin to playing a giant game of Russian Roulette! And it doesn’t have a chance in actually resolving your underlying health complaint. One size simply does not fit all.
Natural wellbeing
Natural approaches to health and wellbeing medicine in the forms of nutrition, essential oils and herbs are more effective because they are holistic and don’t compromise our bodies, they work with them instead.
Essential oils for wellbeing
Essential oils contain hundreds of different chemical compounds giving them a much greater chance of success. They work alongside our body systems, simply helping them to work better, harmonising if you like. Essential oils are the immune system of plants, so they are a very strong medicine. I like to use them alongside herbs and plants, the latter being gentler, for true wellbeing.
5 Natural Steps to Health
These are my top tips to improve wellbeing naturally, this is just a brief synopsis to give you guidance over where you would benefit from placing your efforts. I am on hand with my series of bespoke self health workshops or bespoke wellbeing consultations for a more tailored approach.
1) You are what you Eat
Not least because this is how your body grows, develops, maintains and repairs. Good nutrition is essential to wellbeing. If you don’t put in the right ingredients how on earth can you expect it to manage to keep you well? You wouldn’t put unleaded in a diesel engine, but some people still like to try.
There is heaps of solid evidence to highlight the damage caused by eating sugar, gluten, GMO foods, preservatives, sulphites etc. It’s really challenging to lay your hands on quality wholesome food these days, so I recommend Mega Vitamin Therapy, which you can read about in my blog Why you should use Vitamin Therapy for self-health Not instead of good nutrition but as an adjunct to, stay away from processed foods and steer towards homemade.
2) Your skin is a sponge
You literally absorb around sixty percent of anything it comes into contact with straight into your bloodstream. This means everything you apply to your skin is going deep inside you, all those preservatives, sulphites, toxins directly affect physical wellbeing. We seem to imagine our skin is less porous and more wax jacket than it is.
The same goes for whatever you wear upon it, which is why you may struggle with certain synthetic fibres and cotton usually works best. As does anything natural as opposed to man made. So I recommend ditching all synthetic clothes and body care products in favour of completely natural beauty and fashion for true wellbeing.
Hippocrates said a daily hot bath and a scented massage were key for good health and wellbeing, give yourself the scented massage with one of my bespoke creams containing essential oils.
If you are struggling with the how on the body care front, I run an excellent workshop on sustainable beauty using essential oils.
3) Sustainable cleaning
Along the same lines we have cleaning products, which are filled to the brim with noxious toxins designed to wipe any life forms out of existence. Something they’re ignorantly happy to boast about in their ad campaigns?!
Again, you are absorbing these poisons directly into your bloodstream and adversely impacting your physical wellbeing. Not just by touch, I can hear you say but I wear gloves!, no smell has a direct passage into the brain and filtering through our bodies affecting our hormones etc.
So ditch those nasty killers and replace with human and environmentally friendly cleaning products. I run a rather fab workshop on Using Essential Oils for Cleaning, which gives you a generous selection of key household recipes. They will not only make your house smell divine, it will feel it too and be naturally clean!
4) I want you to sweat
Daily exercise is imperative to natural wellbeing, there is no getting away from it. This can simply be a twenty minute walk in nature or a twenty minute workshop, just make sure you get your body moving and your blood pumping.
Your lymphatic system, which the cells dump their crap into and requires emptying, has no pump of its own. So we must use exercise to make it work for our physical wellbeing. I recommend sweating every single day, how you achieve that it up to you but please make it happen its a vital part of toxin removal.
I also advocate daily body brushing, that helps. And of course, hot baths in epsom and Himalayan Pink salts with essential oils, which you can buy from me. These will make you sweat and draw out the toxins, but please make sure you remain hydrated and don’t have alcohol at the same time or immediately afterwards.
5) Mental health and wellbeing
We know the direct impact mental health has on physical wellbeing, so my final step is taking care of your mental health and wellbeing. This means learning to accept yourself, which flowers into loving yourself. That means understanding your shadow side and the messages you’re giving yourself. This builds intuition and gut instinct, both of which are imperative to your health, wellbeing and survival.
It helps to understand that we are energetic beings with a purpose for being here that needs to be discovered and achieved. Like your own golden fleece adventure!
Other than reading all my blogs on mental wellbeing, I recommend using essential oils to help harmonise your mind and soul. They offer almost instant relief, such is their tremendous power.
Next steps
You now have five natural steps to improve your health and wellbeing. Yes, I am sure taking them will involve some significant lifestyle changes and I am on hand to support you through this process in aromatic wonder. It really helps to have someone hold you, listen to you, understand you, give you tailored support remedies and cheer you on. Book yourself a 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation and manifest natural health and wellbeing.
And, for all those who tell themselves they can’t afford to spend just one hundred and fifty pounds getting their health and wellbeing nailed, you need to seriously re-evaluate your self worth. I front load my costs instead of drawing them out over a longer time frame, it is actually more economical and gives you more immediate results.