Physical Wellbeing – 3 Natural Ways to Manage Allergies
The following blog will help you to boost your physical wellbeing by giving you three helpful, completely natural, Oily Witch tips on managing allergies. I’ve timed it just in time for Spring’s hayfever onslaught!
Getting the right allergy support
Allergies range from being mildly irritating to completely debilitating, either way there are simple hacks to totally eradicate or at least reduce them. The trick is knowing what the true cause is and that’s why using someone like me, a Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner, to solve your allergy puzzle reaps soothing rewards.
What is an allergy?
Your body’s way of telling you that it doesn’t like something in the form of a physical reaction. There is a wide range of responses, from a slightly breach of the defences to a code red.
Ps. You can get emotional and spiritual allergies too, these can also manifest physically.
How do I know I’ve got an allergy?
Yeah, I know, how can anyone not know they have an allergy right? Well, some people’s immune systems play a different tune to the standard allergic response. And, because they don’t know their own immune response stylee they don’t even recognise it’s reacting. A simple example, someone suffering from insomnia hasn’t made the link to their early morning cup of coffee!
Typical allergy symptoms
Symptoms can include anything from sneezing, wheezing, runny or blocked nose, dry mouth, itchy eyes, skin rashes or blotches, sudden frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation.
A life-threatening code red allergic reaction can also cause swelling and breathing difficulties because your body has gone to war.
It just depends on where you are on the scale with this and how your individual body messages you that this is not ok, it’s feeling under attack.
Allergy blind acceptance
Most people with allergies just blindly accept they suffer in this way, believing there is little choice. The typical allopathic treatment is histamine tablets, which means using a drug with the opposing effects to the symptoms.
Drug intolerance
For some, that little pill will not solve the puzzle but just bring uncomfortable side effects, like drowsiness and nausea. Neither ideal when you’re facing a shed load of tasks, like when you’re at work!
It’s important to listen to your body
Some prefer more natural remedies that work with the body, not just shutting it down. For there is harm in not listening, if you keep ignoring the problem is just grows! And, there is a reason for everything, a cause that needs determining and understanding, which an expert like me can diagnose and treat to heal.
3 natural ways to manage allergies
1) Take those jagged little pills, drink lots of water to help your body to eliminate the excess histamines and carry on camping.
2) Book yourself a Bespoke 360 Wellbeing Consultation with me and let me solve your allergy riddle/s and treat to cure using a combination of vitamins, essential oils and herbs.
3) Start noticing what you’re doing, how you are feeling, what you’ve eaten etc immediately before the allergy blooms into existence. This will give you guidance on what not to do in the future and clues about what you need to address, which may include dietary changes, drinking more water, going completely au natural in your clothing, cosmetics etc. Something is making your Immune system highly strung and it may not be physical, are you stressed?
Natural allergy remedies
Here are a few natural allergy remedy tips, from me, a qualified wellbeing expert
Try Essential Oils, the two that spring to mind are Lemon and Peppermint. Together this powerful duo will clear you and the air of irritating substances, whilst cooling and soothing all that inflammation and helping to oxygenate. Essential Oils work holistically, treating mind, body and soul. And yes, there is a massive difference in quality and therefore effectiveness, just get them from me, it’s simpler and guaranteed to work.
Try Vitamin Therapy, you need to resource your body properly or else it can’t work properly, it’s a no brainer. So, look into what vitamins you are already taking and make sure you’ve got yourself covered. You need at least B, C, D, E, Multi Vitamins, Omega 3,6 & 9, Zinc, Magnesium, dosages dependent on you specifically; again I can help and give you a prescription for what you need once I’ve worked on you.
Drink Herbal Infusions, which are loose herb blends mixed with hot water and can be designed specifically for you and your allergy. Never underestimate the power of herbs to heal and soothe, after all we’re part plant. Taking them in water is the best way to make them bio-available to your body, which means easy for your body to use. There are quite a few that help to dial down immune reactions, like Lemon balm and Nettle.
I’ve shared with you, three ways to manage your allergies naturally, the next step towards a more comfortable existence is yours to take. All the links included in the text will take you to another level of knowledge or to where you can buy my products and services. I wish you a allergy free future, much love.x