Physical Wellbeing – Why Vitamin Therapy works
The Con
Most of us, when asked if we would take large doses of vitamins will automatically say no! Why? Because we’ve been told, actually misinformed, that its dangerous. Mega vitamin dosing, or Vitamin Therapy is an excellent way to boost your own health and physical wellbeing, which I will do my best to explain in this blog. I’ve successfully used this form of therapy on myself and many of my bespoke wellbeing clients, the results are quick and lasting.
Why don’t I know this?
Because vitamin therapy is something we can do for ourselves with minimal guidance that is both affordable and truly healing. The pharmaceutical industry, which is worth a staggering three trillion dollars, has created commodity out of disease. Their focus is symptom management and anything or anyone, like me, who threatens their earning potential is debased, hidden or removed. Never underestimate the power of the second deadly sin, greed!
Orthomolecular medicine
Vitamin therapy or Mega Vitamin Dosing is a real thing, with a more medical name, Orthomolecular Medicine, coined by Linus Pauling in 1968. Linus Pauling, regarded as America’s best scientist, is the only person to ever win two Nobel Prizes on his own merit. Despite his studies and proven success with Vitamin C his work fell from grace until the 1990s and I’d be surprised and impressed if you’d ever heard of him despite what he did for the human race.
Mega dosing which vitamins?
Mega dosing Vitamin Therapy does not mean taking large doses of every vitamin, some vitamins like A and K can be easily gleaned from our diets or a good multivitamin. I will now take you through some of the vitamins I favour for mega dosing for excellent physical wellbeing results.
Vitamin B
Starting with Vitamin B, most of us have heard of the benefits of using Vitamin B Complex, which is all of the B Vitamins in one pill. This is pertinent to menstruating women and anyone suffering with their nerves.
However, it is beneficial to additionally self medicate with a seperate dose of Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin.
Doctor William Kaufman published his research papers in 1949 on how high doses of Vitamin B3, niacin or niacinamide, were transformative for patients suffering from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.
Canadian physician Doctor Abram Hoffer (b.1917-2009), spent his life treating and advocating the very real efficacy of megavitamin therapy and other nutritional interventions on schizophrenia and alcoholism. He cured depression with high doses of Vitamin B.
I personally take Vitamin B Complex once a day and take up to 1500 mg of Niacin, or Niacinamide if you don’t like the flushes. I prescribe it for anyone with depression, arthritis, dementia or Alzheimer’s, alcoholism or schizophrenia.
Depending on your particular health problem, there are others in the B range that you may need to mega dose with.
Vitamin C
I absolutely adore Vitamin C, I take 8,000 mg per day over a number of doses and it makes me feel outstanding. It’s got rid of my sore back, painful joints, skin eruptions, headaches, coughs and colds, scars, there isn’t much it can’t do. So it is no surprise that C stands for cure all and this really is a wonder vitamin. Linus Pauling took 18,000 mg daily!
There is heaps of medical research available into the efficacy of Vitamin C, which it simply not mainstream! It is widely used today to treat cancer and reduce the side effects of radiation. But I’d lay money on the fact I bet that anyone with cancer is not being offered or advised about this form of treatment in the UK!
Research started in the 1930s with Dr. Claus W. Jungeblut, former professor of bacteriology at Columbia University, proving that Vitamin C could reverse the effects of Polio and his patients didn’t get the associated paralysis. He wrote a number of invaluable research papers on this in the 1930s, I’ve put a link at the bottom of this blog. Despite his amazing success and this incredible discovery, he never received the credence he should have?? We’re still having polio jabs aren’t we!
In the 1950s, Doctor Frederick Robert Klenner, an expert on deep chest infections successfully cured viral pneumonia in 72 hours using high does of Vitamin C. A very different sort of medical intervention, with no side effects which yields tremendous results for little cost.
There is so much to say about Vitamin C, this is supposed to be a short blog so I will put some useful links below. I recommend starting with 1,000mg with every meal.
Vitamin E
In the 1940s, Doctors Wilfrid and Evan Shute discovered that Vitamin E prevented fibroids, endometriosis and basically cleaned out your arteries.
In the 1950s, they published their findings on using high doses of Vitamin E to cure patients with angina and cardiovascular disease. They treated over 30,000 patients successfully with this simple vitamin.
Again, how many of you with endometriosis or heart problems have been advised to take high doses of Vitamin E? I’ve had fibroids and never once was this mentioned as a course of treatment or prevention.
I take around 1000 to 1200 mg per day.
Wild animals
Interestingly, wild animals mega vitamin dose naturally to keep themselves well. In fact most animals make their own vitamin c in their livers!
How does Vitamin Therapy work?
By taking high doses of the key nutrients required by your body to function, you support it to heal itself. There is nothing kookey in mega vitamin therapy, you’re using chemicals that your body recognises and can use at no cost to itself. Poor health and diseases comes directly from a scarcity of these nutrients, which get depleted by processes and refined foods, alcohol and toxic substances.
There are around 40,000 trillion cells in our bodies with 37 billion, billion chemical reactions taking place every second. Yes baby you are a firework, an enormous warehouse of simultaneous fireworks! To make and keep that magic happening you need the right amount of chemical nutrients, misfiring leads to disease.
Why eating well isn’t enough
Yes, never underestimate the importance of eating well, having a daily dose of vegetable juice is even better. However, the way we’ve over processed the food we farm, manufacture and eat means that it just can’t cut it on its own. It’s now too plasticated, the soil content is dismal and our toxin loads are too high. And, toxin load is carried down through the gene pool; epigenetics!
This is why the cancer rate is now 1 in 2 and other massive killers like coronary heart disease are so prevalent. Mega vitamin dosing therapy is a belt and braces approach, which doesn’t remove the need to eat fyi to all those faddy dieters out there! I see you…
An example of how vitamin therapy works
Without enough Vitamin C, which is essential for making collagen, your blood vessels can leak. Your body responds by creating a clot, which in turn cracks and breaks off and can go into your brain and cause a vascular accident or stroke. Now imagine if you smoke, a single cigarette costs your body 25mg of Vitamin C, the RDA in this country is 125mg for men and just 115mg for women. Can you see how that creates imbalance? By making this connection in 1954 they linked smoking to hearts disease.
*And I appreciate a lot of us don’t smoke, but we all need collagen, around 4,500mg per day to be well, but that can vary right up into the 100,000mgs!
Are mega doses of vitamins safe?
Yes, completely, the plain unadulterated vitamin on its own is completely bio-available to the human body. What you don’t need you simply wee out. And, you must never front load a massive dose all in one go, the trick is to spread the doses out across your waking hours for vitamin therapy to be truly effective. There is no REAL evidence of ANY harm done by mega vitamin dosing therapy.
So how much do I take?
This is where a wellness practitioner like myself come in, through my Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation with you I can establish your imbalances and recommend treatment. The recommended daily allowances (RDA) are stunningly below par, hence the need for guidance. And, you won’t necessarily need everything in large doses.
Buy Vitamins
I sell vitamins from Lambert’s Healthcare, a good British company. Please get in touch if you’d like to order some.
Want to learn more for self health care
I run a fantastic workshop on Body Healing, in which I take you through all the vitamins and minerals and their impact on our bodies. You can do this with me 1-2-1 or join one of my frequent online evening courses.
Useful links
Orthomolecular medicine
Linus Pauling
Dr Kauffman Vitamin B Research
Dr Abram Hoffer Vitamin B3 Research
Dr Claus Jungeblut’s Vitamin C Research
Dr Frederick Robert Klenner Vitamin C and Viral Pneumonia Research
Dr Evan and Wilfred Shute Vitamin E Research
Dr Riordan’s Intravenous Vitamin C Protocol