Spiritual Wellbeing: Embrace the Oak Moon – Celtic Tree Moon No. 7
Tree Love:
And finally, it’s my moon! I was delighted to learn that Oak is my tree. I’ve always felt a deep affinity with Oak trees, often being the first tree I notice in a wood or forest. I feel an irresistible urge to hug and converse with them.
Moon Symbolism:
If you’re born between the 10th of June and the 7th of July, the Oak Moon is your Celtic Moon Tree. This moon symbolizes strength. Oak is the power symbol for Midsummer, ruling the summer months and is traditionally used for Solstice/Litha ritual fires.
The ruling planet of the Oak Moon is the Sun, making its element fire, which brings a creative, passionate, masculine energy. Interestingly, the Oak tree is the most likely to be struck by lightning, possibly because of all the energy it holds.
Native Types:
In the UK, you’re likely to encounter the Common Oak, known as Quercus Robur, or the Sessile Oak, Quercus Petraea. Oaks are the most common trees in the British Isles, dating back to at least the end of the last ice age, some 12,000 years ago. These majestic trees can live for around 1,000 years and grow up to 30 meters tall, bearing witness to countless events and becoming the focus of much myth and legend.
I still recall the devastation a 12-year-old me felt when I learned that six of the seven oaks in Sevenoaks had been blown down in the 1987 storms.
Oaks were and remain extremely popular for their strong yet malleable wood. Some say Oaks are the reason we once ruled the waves.
This wondrous wood burns slowly, giving great heat and is used for both the Summer Solstice and Yule Log fires. Part of the latter is kept to rekindle the following year’s yuletide fire, something to consider doing.
Celtic Lore:
The Celts referred to their wise ones as Druids, deriving from their name for this month and the Oak, “Duir.” Indeed, the word “durable” originates from this.
The ancients viewed the noble Oak as proof of the protection of the Gods and held their pagan rites in Oak groves. It was traditional for couples to marry under the canopy of the divine Oak.
The Oak is part of the sacred trio, along with Ash and Hawthorn.
The Mighty Oak:
This sacred tree, King of the Forest, primarily represents strength and stability. He is also associated with nurturing, healing, protection, health, fertility, money, success, family, and being in control.
Practical Magic:
This is the month to write spells to conjure any of these attributes.
Simple hacks include:
Popping an acorn in your pocket or handbag for good luck.
Burying one under a full moon for prosperity.
Keeping one on your windowsill to protect you from lightning. This is a good one for those with kids who are scared of thunderstorms, like mine.
If you’re out and about, catching a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground is said to keep you healthy for the coming year.
For a fun and creative activity, make an Oak twig charm by binding two twigs together with red cord or thread and hang it discreetly, like over your front door. This will keep you safe by warding off any evil intent. I have something similar over one of my thresholds, and it works a treat.
To purify the air from sickness or engender feelings of strength and grounding, set yourself an Oak log fire. It doesn’t have to be a big affair if you’re short on time—a couple of twigs will do. It’s the intention that counts.
This tree has long been used for its healing properties. The bark is astringent and antiseptic. A concoction of powdered bark can be added to water for relief from a high temperature or fever or mixed with peppermint essential oil to make a toothpaste.
If you find yourself stung or cut while out in the woods, bruise an Oak leaf and apply it to the site to relieve inflammation.
If you’ve gone for a re-balancing walk, hug an Oak and rest either your forehead or back against its bark, and it will willingly rebalance your Chi, your life force.
The Bach Flower Remedy used for balancing your higher self is Oak.
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