How to improve mental wellbeing in a pandemic through thought policing
Living through a Revolution
Right now, we’re all in isolation, apart from those fundamental beings who keep the big wheels turning, all praise to them. That is a real challenge to our mental wellbeing and this blog will give my tips on how to improve mental wellbeing in a pandemic.
The best outcome
One of the best things that should come out of this revolution, is that these people get the wealth recognition their contribution to our lives makes. I’d like to add, that we “alternative” health care providers also return to our seats round the table and it becomes a truly holistic healthcare system.
Ever Repeating Circles
It’s easy to imagine this is a unique catastrophe and be sucked into a dark vacuum of mental wellbeing despair, especially those finding confined to tiny spaces with people they actually don’t like, usually themselves! However, this is just another cycle of existence being played out, albeit this time, because of where we’re at evolution-wise, across an international stage in full media technicolour.
Loving What Is
It’s pretty crazy that this virus is no where near as destructive as SARS or MERS, the ugly sisters, yet because it’s reached its dirty hands across the globe, we’re in freak down. If ever there was a time for Byron Katie’s wisdom, it’s right about now. I harp on about this woman’s approach in many of my blogs, because it is so simple, necessary and transformative.
To quote her in her own words, “I discovered that when I believed my thoughts I suffered, but when I didn’t believe them I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that.”
Thought Policing
She’s basically recognising the power of thoughts and the need to police them, because they carry energetic frequency. She gets you to put your negative thoughts, because they’re the ones doing the damage, through a set of simple questions she calls the work.
It is true?
Do I absolutely know this is true?
How do I react when I believe this thought?
Who would I be without that thought?
Manage your anxious thoughts
This encourages a state of mind where you take only responsibility for you, stop worrying about anything beyond your control. For instance, I can worry that shouting at my kids for doing the wrong thing will adversely affect their self-confidence all day long, but I can’t really know that it will and I feel much better about myself when I turn that thought off. I am only yelling at them when needs must, because I am human and they’re in the wrong, I am not yelling at them because I enjoy living my life in CAPITALS.
Stop your fear
So, if we apply these principles to the spread of this virus, then hopefully we can calm some of the waves of fear we’re being constantly assaulted with. If we don’t feel well in our mental wellbeing, then it leaches into our physical and spiritual wellbeing, because tis all entwined. Then, if everyone is feeling these negative vibes, we’re creating a powerful, global poltergeist, that will get us.
How can you really know
Yes, none of us wants it to happen to ourselves or nearest and dearest, not in my backyard thank you (N.I.M.B.Y). But, a lot of those who’ve already had it have survived, you’re at risk if you’re at risk. Back to Bryon Katie, how can you really know you are at risk? Yes, there is some obvious conclusions we can draw, but we don’t know enough about our bodies anymore to determine exactly how they will react to this virus. That’s what’s making it challenging to pin down. And besides, there is an argument for catching it to develop immunity.
This is our Reckoning
Now, in an esoteric sense, this pandemic makes total sense. This virus needs to remain a few steps ahead until its enforced the change that this World needs. Yes, there will be casualties, I maybe be one of them, but we live many lives. It’s really helpful to return to believing that, takes the edge off the fear, which has the benefit of making you feel stronger. I hope that makes sense? If it doesn’t, read my blog on Life’s purpose
I was told this was going to happen back in 2002 by a psychic, so many of us have known this reckoning was going to happen and now here it is. The fact that we’ve been devolving instead of evolving for the past 1500 years at least, as is explained in more depths my The Secret History of the World blog.
Facing your Fear
How many of us have ever experienced being in our homes for such a sustained period of time? That will be uncomfortable for many, being forced to face our less than perfect realities and lives, with no escape. Yet, how perfect, a chance to truly see, no distractions. And, as is usually the case, once we confront the fear we overcome it and wonder what on earth all the fuss was about.
The time for personal growth
If, you find that you are in destructive relationships, jobs, patterns etc, this is your opportunity to redraw your boundaries and get what you really want or dream. No one is really holding us back, other than ourselves and our fears. Ok, yes there are psychos out there that maybe hunting you, that’s an exception, but even in domestic violence cases, the support is there to escape if you want it.
The only real exceptions to this are children, unfortunately there is no escape for them until they come of age.
There is a myriad of support available out there, and a lot of it can be done online fortuitously.
Personal growth is hard work
Yes, it is a total bitch until you’re doing it and then it’s addictive, because it feels so wonderful. But, hey look, we’re being forced into this to bring about change because it is necessary. Our society is pretty poisonous, it doesn’t do a lot to make us feel truly good. Momentary yes, when we buy something pretty, or eat or drink something delicious, but there’s always a cost for this indulgence and it’s over far too quickly.
Set up all wrong
The way our lives have generally been set up, is to be dependent on ‘the powers that be’, which cover everything from the food we eat, to the way we manage our health. We have been so cleverly stripped of our knowledge, most of us haven’t even noticed. Self-sufficiency scares the bejesus out of those powers, because they can’t make any money out of it, greed is behind this control.
Materialism replaced spirituality
And, this greed has insidiously encouraged us away from our spiritual selves, putting a greater emphasis on physical perfection, crushing our spiritual wellbeing. Vanity has never been so highly regarded as it is now, one of the seven deadly sins for good reason! It’s pointless and leads you nowhere apart from into debt with the desire to look like someone else. And, what’s with the self-mutilation? I am talking surgery not tattoos, tho some of the latter are a bit WTF. All disastrous for physical and mental wellbeing!
Becoming truly wealthy
I chose “becoming”, because achieving sounds too business, too Saturn for my message. We all have a spiritual self, an internal voice or feelings inside. This is what we need to recover and nourish, this is where we need to direct our energies towards and develop a connection with for our spiritual wellbeing.
The inner you knows what you are capable of achieving and believes in you. The inner you loves you beyond all others, will never forsake you and can be trusted to give you good advice. It’s the good voice inside your head, the bad one is other peoples. It’s true, really listen in.
Silver lining
Time is being gifted to all of us who really need it, the key workers are already doing their bit for the planet and getting job satisfaction (most, you can’t please everyone). How can I assume that? They wouldn’t choose these low paid, back breaking jobs where they deal with constant shit if they didn’t feel vocational about it. How many of us feel that passion and sense of value in what we do? That’s what we’re aiming for…. the point as it were.
So, this is what I’m advocating for mental wellbeing in this extended golden moment. Every single cloud has a silver lining.
Next steps
If, you are interested in improving your mental, physical or spiritual wellbeing, come and take one of my personalised workshops or let me guide you with bespoke wellbeing consultation.
Sending Love and Courage x