Spiritual Wellbeing – Life’s Purpose
In the aftermath of my Father’s life ending, a friend lent me a book she felt would help me through my grief. This was Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, a collection of case studies from past lives regressions.
And help it really did, by reminding me that we’re all on our own paths, and will be reunited with loved ones once we’re finished. Another way to view this is an earthly goodbye is an afterlife welcoming back. So, it’s really ‘au revoir’ and not goodbye, we only lose each other for a bit and certainly not forever! This blog will address the purpose of life or life’s purpose.
Past Life Connection
The author initially stumbled upon these past lives as a by-product of his hypnotherapy trying to help clients through trauma in this life, and became fascinated with the connection betwixt the two.
Our Life’s Purpose
In a nutshell, we all come from the ‘source’, which is conscious energy. We’re at varying levels of awareness around this, basic only kicks in after 5 lives, and our earthly purpose is about learning a lesson we agreed to learn before we were born, in order to progress our overall knowledge and understanding and to evolve. Does this resonate with you? Is this your truth?
Aura’s, comes in only a few colours, ranging from new soul white or grey, then white mixed with a little of any of the primary colours to intermediate yellow, which darkens and converts to light blue, which darkens and turns into purple.
By the time, which can take thousands of life times and years, we’ve achieved a blue level we stop reincarnating and become the ones to help metaphysically create nature and form the higher consciousness.
Auras are the force fields of energy, certain beings can see emanating from us, the frequency we vibrate at…The form of light we radiate being proportional to the power of our knowledge and perception…We’re just like stars!
The Rich have Young Souls
Interestingly, the youngest souls are the ones which have accumulated the most material wealth and power. Isn’t this how we judge success in Today’s world???
It’s impossible to get super rich or powerful without fucking over a lot of people on the way up….
And really rich people then find themselves stuck in a vicious circle of trying to protect and maintain their wealth to the cost of everything and everybody else, working 24/7, being ridiculously tight fisted, ripping others off and believing they’re above everyone else etc.
Humble = Old Soul
The humblest of people tend to be the most spiritually advanced, feeling compassion towards other people and the planet, driven to more meaningful ways of contributing to the whole…not caught up in self-serving.
We’re Are One
Recognising the connection between us all, we are one, part of the same thing. I call these people, witches, committed to helping in whichever way we can. Motivated by the happiness gained from making a positive difference beyond all else.
You Don’t Need Possessions
So next time your made to feel envy by the constant barrage of media messages telling you you need all this plastic crap to feel worthy, remind yourself that you really don’t need to succumb to these subliminal messages sent by some fear-filled rich person trying to maintain their wealth.
A Good Heart is All You Need
Having a new set of mugs will not bring you anywhere near the same level of joy helping another being will, or taking a moment to immerse yourself in the natural World in all its glory and wonder. And if that promotion at work comes at the price of someone else’s head, don’t do it, a clear conscious is worth more than all the gold in the World.
Forest Bathing
In Japan they have Forest Bathing, Shinrin Yoku, complete with scientific proof for the numerous healing benefits to be had from spending time with trees.
Trauma gives Deep Growth
Another lovely message I got from this book was that apart from choosing our lessons, parents, siblings and friends, we pre-agree our departure and the style of it. The point of it to further deepen the learning of those left behind.
Revolution in Thinking
Thus, meaning that no matter how horrendous or premature someone’s death is, they knew about it and were complicit in it. That’s quite something isn’t it, a revolution in thinking. And apparently, if you miscarry, I’ve had 3 failed pregnancies, it’s often the same soul that comes through. It’s all about deepening our understanding and learning.
The Price of Life on Earth
The good news is that Earth is the harshest place for life, the spirit world is far more delightful and caring. We’re attracted to the challenge of a life on earth because of the physical beauty of it, it maybe harsh and sometimes brutal but it is also amazing.
The End leads to a More Informed Beginning
When each of our lives on this planet ends, we return to the spirit world to be healed, processing our learning and mistakes, in order to be restored to life again with the purpose to evolve.
I can’t recommend this book enough.x
Next Steps
If you are suffering with grief or the concept of your own or a loved one’s impending death, I offer Spiritual Counselling to support you through this process with the aim of finding inner peace.
If, you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, I run a course on Witchcraft which will suit you well.