Spiritual Wellbeing – Understanding Human Creation
A Volte Face
This blog on understanding human creation is based upon the book, The Secret History of the World by Jonathan Black. As per my previous caveat, wading through this beast is deliberately slow, for all the right reasons. The author claims he is writing the book to debunk all the mystery held in these secret societies, however it is still fantastically complex.
I’m not sure if that’s his style or because it genuinely requires such a radical ‘a volte face’ in thinking. Anyway, I shall proceed with the next pearls of wisdom, I’ve literally swam to the bottom of this literal ocean to retrieve.
Collective Consciousness
In my earlier related blog, How Astrobiology relates to Health and Wellbeing, I hoped to convey the power of our thoughts, the very real need for policing them, recognising they aren’t random and also influenced by the solar system.
But that is human nature isn’t it! If you’re not ready, you can’t hear! Sometimes, actually daily, when I’m catching up with people, I hear that our suffering is in tandem. We’re ‘seemingly’ unaccountably irritable, frustrated by the same fears and limitations. Then I, usually inadvertently discover that some planetary shit is going down and it’s all related.
And not because, as we frequently comment, life is shit and difficult because of the choices we made some when! However, trying to comfort people with these facts is akin to shouting into the wind, something I feel I am doing a lot lately.
Time Portals
And it is no surprise that so much ignorance exists around these connections, “the modern church preaches an extreme, radical monotheism, partly due to the dominance of science. ” (SHW pg.66) But what’s amusing is that these buildings tend to be built on ancient holy sites, or spirit portals if you prefer, cracks in the normal fabric of space-time continuum. And they are astronomically aligned, like their festivals!
This explains why, despite my overall distaste for modern religion, I love going into old churches. Mainly for the peaceful tranquillity and a spot of quantum leaping, not the gilded artifice to prolonged judgement and suffering.
The Bible’s Misinterpretation
Therefore, it will come as no surprise, and something I’ve been keenly aware of since reading ‘Jesus the Man’ by Barbara Theiring, the Bible’s modern interpretation is a very far cry from what the writers believed. Given that it was written/collated 400 years after the death of Jesus under the dictate of a Roman emperor, can that really be a surprise?!
In Today’s World, Eastern Christianity is a lot closer to the original intentions than Western. I’ve always noticed, how the practical application of the ideology seems to involve so much judgement and persecution, not the promised acceptance and much cheek turning!
And FYI, the Bible also confused Satan with Lucifer, they’re different beings, Satan is linked to Saturn and Lucifer to Venus…
Many Gods
Further proof of the astrological connections in the Bible, are the four Cherubim’s, which are symbolised by the Ox, Lion, Eagle and Angel. Whom makeup four of the twelve zodiac constellations; Ox = Taurus, Lion = Leo, Eagle = Scorpio, Angel = Aquarius.
And apparently, there was always more than one God who created us, ’Elohim’ means gods, and they are the planets. And, this miraculous creation of life in 7 days, is more of a way to narrate a very 3D story. So here goes my attempt to simplify this next bit….
The Real Creation
In the beginning, evolution started with the Age of Saturn, where cosmically Saturn oppressed Mother Earth, referenced in the Bible as Satan.
Next, comes the Age of the Sun… The Sun is a God (Leo the fire sign, Lion), hence why Jesus was the son of God, known as Apollo to the Romans and Greeks, Krishna in India. He is depicted in ancient times with 7 rays/sun spirits emanating from his head, like Jesus with his crown. He rescues Mother Earth from Saturn, pushing back the latter’s darkness until it becomes a giant serpent/dragon circling the cosmos; which is where it sits now cosmically.
The Sun then warms Mother Earth into new life with a huge reverberating roar, causing matter in her cosmic womb to vibrate from mineral into plant matter.
Interestingly, this version of creation can be found in the Rosicrucian children’s book, The Magician’s Nephew, the prequel too ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, by C.S. Lewis…. Who knew?
Mineral then Vegetable
What then appeared, covering the Earth’s surface, was a web of luminous, living threads, described as ‘the net of Indra’. Weaving together and then dissolving again, like giant germy spider webs…. eeeewwwwww.
Then Earth and the Sun separate, and the Sun starts shinning down on Earth as opposed to illuminating it from inside. This cools the Earth’s surface, making it denser, less gaseous and more liquid. These floaty webs morph into tree like structures like Mandrake roots, all very Alice in Wonderland, known as flower people.
Adam in Paradise
Here we first find Adam, the central vegetable in all this and original green man, to what is referred to as Paradise. Why was this period in time referred to as Paradise? Because there were no animals, desires, dissatisfaction or hunger or unmet needs. Those multi-breasted Mother Goddess statues, one often happens upon in car boot sales, hark back to this point of creation, when Mother Earth nursed all our needs.
Proof of this once vegetative existence, can be gained by dissecting a human body and removing the sympathetic nervous system, which resembles a tree. Incidentally, this is why and how essential oils work so effectively upon us, our bio-similarity to plants.
Chakra Flowers
And upon our tree like structure, we have flowers, or chakras, basically energy centres in our groin, solar plexus, kidneys, heart, throat, brow and crown. These flower centres have different numbers of petals, the solar plexus has ten and the brow just two.
Life Force
Our solar plexus chakra relates to the Sun, which is the ego, self-identity. Is your head spinning yet? Chinese medicine is based on the energetic flow or life force, chi, between these chakras. They believe disease occurs when one of these centres becomes blocked or stagnated, and their medicine is designed to reconnect the flow, be it with herbs, acupuncture or meditation. And, I have to completely concur and base my practice upon this truism.
Harmonising with the World
In Buddhism, this chakra centre is known as the Hara, the connection to all life. In the Bible, they have many mentions, such as Aaron’s flowering rod?! or Saint Teresa of Avila’s eyes of the soul. All these differing spiritual belief systems share the same focus, for us to gain control of these energy centres so that we can enliven them and truly become one with the World.
Our Third Eye
Next up we have our pineal gland, this almond sized grey gland is located at the place where the spinal cord meets the brain, and was known about by the ancients long before modern science recognised it. This gland, known as our third eye, vibrates when we have a hunch; the more proficient you get at working with it, the longer these vibrations last.
The ancients believed it was the centre for regulating thought and achieving altered states. Fascinatingly, this gland is much bigger in childhood, and not because our skulls our much smaller, it begins to shrink and calcify in puberty taking our creativity with it…
Explanation for Insomnia
The pineal is responsible for producing a large part of our melatonin hormone, which regulates our sleeping patterns and maintenance of immune system, usually at night. Kind of easy to see why insomniacs get to out of whack if you look at it this way.
Next time you meditate, focus on opening this chakra to get a rush of melatonin and thus some waking hallucinations – who needs drugs!
Lucifer the Snake of Wisdom
Returning to evolution, we have the snake appearing in the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve out into the big wide World. The snake is representative of the planet Venus, known in the Bible as Lucifer, who used an apple for the tempting. Why? Because if you slice an apple in two, the five-pointed star made by the pips represent the forty-year path Venus traces through our sky.
The snake circles the tree of life, separating them from Mother Earth and thus facilitating the creation of their spines and central nervous systems, animal characteristics! This period in history is called The Fall, because it is a painful transformation that brought with it hunger, desire, fear, dissatisfaction and death.
The Creation of 2 Sexes
Adam, now begins to physically morph into something firmer and from this sexless, hermaphrodite we get Eve. Their kids in turn, were produced in the same way, which kinds of explains why they didn’t have the same genetic corruptions modern incest creates.
This form of reproduction is called parthenogenesis, it’s the way plants do it… smirk. Of course, no evidence remains as proof of this evolution. However, and apparently, in 485 BC Herodotus visited some vast underground vaults in Memphis, Egypt. In which, he saw 345 enormous wooden carvings of these beings, who reigned before the first human king, Menes.
German Folklore
In the early German version of the Venus/Lucifer tradition, when Lucifer fell from the sky as great emerald fell from his forehead; his third eye. This signalled that humans would increasingly lose their ability to use the energy of their pineal gland to remain connected to the higher truths. How this plays out will sound all too familiar, I know what I should do but the devil inside me is leading me astray!!! Here’s what Friedrich Nietzsche had to impart on this:
“Unless you have chaos inside you, you cannot give birth to a dancing star. “
Believing what we want too
Through making mistakes, we can become enriched through seeing things as they really are and not as they may appear. Having Lucifer around means we tend to believe what we want to believe, which isn’t always in proportion to the evidence. And we have the choice to see life as we wish to see it, through a lens of happiness or bitterness.
The Ancient’s View of Evolution
For the ancients, and I am going to copy this directly from the book because he says it so well:
“The history of the origins of the cosmos was as much about how human experience was put together, how experience gained its characteristic structure, as it was about how the physical universe was put together. In other words, it was as much about the principles of human nature as about the laws of the natural world”.
In Conclusion
I really have to stop now, this is really mind bendingly hard to convey in a sensical way. But what I hope to have conveyed in this Part 2, the Bible story of evolution is loosely based on truth, we were all once vegetables, which is why plants are fundamental to our existence on every level, we are one with the cosmos, we’re perhaps less evolved now than we were!
Next Steps
Should you want a deeper understanding of yourself and your connection to the Cosmos, I recommend an Astrology Chart Reading.