Spiritual Wellbeing – Why is Sensitivity a superpower
No more apologies
It took my until I was 43 to stop apologising for being who I am, a sensitive being with deserving needs. For some crazy reason, I spent the last XX years treating my sensitive self badly. Regarding my sensitive nature as a character flaw, that needs to be hidden, denied and castigated. In this blog I will share with you why being a sensitive is actually a superpower and how acknowledgement and acceptance of your sensitive side will bring spiritual wellbeing.
Too much justification
I could attribute this rejection of my sensitivity to the 9 years of boarding school I endured, where showing any vulnerabilities was downright dangerous. Or, perhaps my rejection is inherent? Or maybe just a sign of the times? Whatever the origins, I have treated this part of myself as badly as one would a murderer, how absolutely fucking ridiculous! And I know I am not alone in doing that…
It required reprogramming years of hard wiring my feelings out of existence and changing the input code ‘people hurt you, that’s bad, shut down, relationship abort’. I had to reprogram ‘yes people will hurt you, it’s the flip side of love but it comes with a silver lining, a creative gift’. I still have to remind myself of this from time to time because it’s easier to not engage than engage, there’s no pain price to pay.
Cost of being a sensitive
I now honour my sensitive self and accept its major role in my empathic nature, without it I couldn’t be the psychic medical intuitive I am. This is no easy feat, at times I can feel like I’m living on the dark side of the moon, the vulnerability and ownership are unbelievably uncomfortable. Sensitivity is lonely and cold in the depths of the shadows but sunny and bright in the light.
Sensitivity superpower
And boy is sensitivity a superpower, for this aching suffering, soul plumbing and beyond heightened awareness gives full access to the wide range of emotions necessary for creativity, intuition, spiritual connection. Hence, why you don’t get happy poets or comedians, artists tend to be tortured and psychics favour living like hermits.
Self respect and acceptance
I know that I treat people the way I want to be treated, an attempt to illicit what I want for myself, the same care and attention. I just didn’t afford my sensitive self the same respect. I recognise that my skills in being a good psychic empath stem from my deep well of emotional experiences, courtesy of my sensitive self. I am sure yours are the same…
Empathic healer
As a healer and sensitive, I find the sufferings of others, especially animals and children, unbearable and rush to comfort. Sound familiar? I’ll do anything to try to protect someone I care about from feeling pain, perpetually attempting to shine a light into their darkness, because I feel so much solidarity! On another level I’m trying to comfort and rescue part of myself. This is what it means to be an empath, I cover this in more detail in my blog What is it like being an empath
Self rescue & integration
These rescue attempts are futile, I can’t truly rescue anyone else, no one really can. I can just help people to rescue themselves by showing them how. But I can rescue my sensitive self and continue to do so for my spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing. A major part of my self care is to only deeply engage with those that treat me as I treat them, relationships need to be reflective. I recommend dear sensitive that you do the same.
Final word
I hope you can now appreciate that sensitivity is in fact a tremendous superpower, which simply needs understanding for spiritual wellbeing. I love my sensitivity now, it is who I am and I do everything I can to protect it. This regularly means avoiding groups, leaving social situations earlier than others, only being able to handle one flow of sensory information at a time. I am living in a rich, sensory, colourful world courtesy of my vast sensitivity.
Next steps
There are of course times when being extremely sensitive can have a negative impact on your mental, physical and or spiritual wellbeing and some additional support is useful or required to recalibrate your status quo. I offer that support in the form of essential oils, medical astrology, bespoke consultations and workshops.