Physical Wellbeing – What is toxic overload and 5 tips to treat it
Life threatening
Most people give little consideration to their toxin load until their physical health comes crashing down around their ears and even then it may not cross their minds. We’re encouraged to think that it’s not our fault we’ve got cancer or other serious diseases or can’t stop hot flushing, it’s just down to luck and genes. In this blog, I will tell you what toxin overload is, how it impacts mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing and give you five tips to treat it naturally.
Toxin overload
Toxin overload is simply when your body has reached toxic saturation point and can no longer deal with your toxic build up. This overload manifests in many ways, you may get cancer, you may have a heart attack, you may get hot flushes or flashes, you may get a chronic skin condition. The way your body chooses to tell you it’s at breaking point will be unique to you. There is no one size fits all with health, as I never tire of explaining.
Toxin tipping point
Each and everyone of us has a toxic tipping point, given the way we’re educated we have no real clue as to what that point is. Which is why some people die the first time they try a class A drug and someone else can smoke twenty cigarettes a day and live into their eighties. You just don’t know until you get there and your body shouts out or shuts down.
Mental messages
Okay, that’s not strictly true, our mind will do it’s best to tell us not to do toxic things, warning us not to eat that chocolate bar, drink that pint, smoke that fag, stay in that relationship… But we tend to ignore our own warnings a lot of the time, especially if the person next to us is hoofing down what we want with seemingly no consequences. It’s no coincidence toxin overloading is more of a group activity…think about that one! A subliminal peer pressure…
Genetic toxin inheritance
Unfortunately, we’re not born all pure and toxin free. We can’t be, first off we’re reliant on our mothers for the building blocks from which to create ourselves. If she isn’t eating well or looking after her physical wellbeing how can we get the best building material?
Then, which I always find pretty horrific, women are born with their egg supply… This means that whatever we do to our bodies will affect our eggs and their eggs and so on…through a process called epigenetics. So, if your grandmother was a caner, then you will be affected by her behaviour. Such far reaching consequences…
This is why some kids get ill really young and die and explains why health can feel like a lottery.
Today’s toxic world
So, along with the toxic load you are born with you and what toxins you choose to imbibe, you need to take take into consideration all the toxins thrust upon you, over which you have no control!
In today’s world we encounter roughly 80,000 toxins in our daily lives, pretty fucking scary. Let’s take a look at some of them…
Toxic eating
Starting with diet, our food is rammed with preservatives, sugars, salts, sulphites and chemical pesticides. Every single one of these things challenges our physical wellbeing, our bodies struggle to process them and thus stores them in fat cells.
Toxic beauty
Pretty much every skin and hair care products main ingredient is sodium lauryl sulphate, don’t believe me check the label! This is an industrial degreaser that will degrease you to the point that your skin and hair has no protection, stopping it from doing its job properly – protecting you!
Then there is deodorant, here you are spraying aluminium right into your lymph nodes to stop them sweating and breathing. Absolutely crazy and dangerous, your lymph nodes host your white blood cells, those are the ones that fight infections and disease and filter your lymph. Lymph is the waste from your cells…So you’re literally poisoning yourself and stopping yourself from being able to release your toxins by blocking your ability to sweat!! Talk about homemade toxin powder keg… If you don’t like the way you smell eat differently!
And let’s not overlook makeup, which contains some hideously toxic chemicals like Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine, Cocamide DEA, Lauramide DEA… We laugh at the stupidity of the Elizabethans painting themselves to death with lead paint and we’re no better.
We are literally bathed in electropollution and as electromagnetic beings, which I cover in my blog Humans are made of Energy , this is seriously degrading our wellbeing. This technological world in which we now live is creating electromagnetic radiation which is heating up the temperature inside our brains and tissue. Simply put, it pushes out the very electrons in your cells needed to make energy, your life force. This damages your DNA and ages you and explains why too much exposure leaves you drained and dehydrated!
Toxic vaccines
Vaccines are biological super drugs designed to stimulate the immune system and cause an autoimmune response. Vaccines carry all sorts of toxic crap in them that cause neurological damage and alter DNA and there is lots of medical research to substantiate this claim. There is no argument around the facts on this one. We have them when the good outweighs the bad.
5 tips for treating toxin overload
Here is the good news section, there are ways to get out of this car crash and it’s never too late! I am going to give you, as always, five simple self health tips to release your toxins and achieve wellness.
Vaccine combat
Starting with these cluster bombs, if you need to have a vaccine the simplest and most effective way to prepare your body for this invasion and to make sure the vaccine really works for you is to significantly boost your dosing of Vitamin C a week prior. I am talking getting yourself to 10,000 mg per day split across a number of doses. Take a vitamin c solution to drink immediately after the vaccine and take your dosing to around 30,000 mg or more for up to a week. Yup significant but harmless and oh so beneficial.
Sweat release
To reduce your toxic load on a daily basis you need to sweat, so do whatever it takes to get sweating. This generally means elevating your heart beat and by using exercise to do this you’re also supporting your lymphatic system to work properly so toxins can’t pool.
Some people like a daily sauna, especially an infrared one which will get deep into those fat cells and allow release. Great if you’ve got one, just make sure you replace what you lose with lovely clean water. Read my blog You are what you drink – Wonderful water to understand why it needs to be water.
Take Niacin, which is B3, the flush variety not Niacinamide, and do some exercise to move it around your lymph system. This stimulates your cells to release fat and toxins, which you will need to help to clear our by sweating, drinking water and using active charcoal; any of the three will do. The flush can at first be scary, you may go bright read, become itchy, feel woozy but this is entirely harmless and it will pass. Some people get addicted to it…because afterwards you feel so blissed out!
For more on Vitamin therapy, read my blog on Why you should use Vitamin Therapy for self-health
Lemon essential oil
I recommend taking a drop or two of doTERRA’s Lemon essential oil, yes this brand please, daily in room temperature or warm water. This is fabulously supportive to your liver, helping it to remove fats and toxins from your blood. A delicious take on physical wellbeing that won’t damage your teeth but actually provide excellent oral hygiene too, read my blog on Using essential oils for excellent Oral Care for more on that.
Body brushing
And, because your lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump and needs all the support it can get to work, body brushing every morning is a fantastic way to achieve this and give yourself a whole load more sparkly energy. I defy anyone not to feel invigorated after a good body brush, this is such a simple wellbeing hack.
Final word
I’ve told you what toxin over is, the damage it does to physical wellbeing and five tips to treat it naturally. If you suspect that you maybe hitting your own tipping point or would like some support in reducing your toxic overload, come and have a bespoke wellbeing consultation.
If you are a self health enthusiast, why not take one of my bespoke self health workshops, I cover all manner of ways of using essential oils for wellbeing.
You can buy essential oils from me, just use the button at the top on the right.
Useful links
10 year study by 29 independent scientists proving DNA is damaged and the immune system is compromised by electromagnetic radiation
More research on the benefits of Vitamin Therapy