Spiritual Wellbeing – Nurturing Spiritual Wellbeing through Imbolc Celebrations
Understand Imbolc and how to celebrate it…
Understand Imbolc and how to celebrate it…
Phallic Maypoles and Burning Bushes – Understand the magic of Beltane
Put magic into your Solstice worship and celebration using ancient practices.
Thank the light, prepare for the dark…
A comprehensive guide into our Native Festival for the Dead
Unravelling the history and complexity of the Christmas Celebration and returning the spiritual context of Winter Solstice
Linking Heaven & Earth – Balancing Alder Fearn Tree From the 18th March until the 14th April, we’re under the Alder Moon. This is known by the Celts, as the Fearn, pronounced “Fairu” moon. In Folk Lore she goes by the moniker of Owler. This is a time of accelerated growth and the beginnings of…
Is every woman a witch? What defines a witch and how does it impact spiritual wellbeing…