Witch’s New Year! Our Native Festival of the Dead – Samhain
Reawakening Consciousness
Also known as Halloween, All Hallows, All Saints, or Hallow-Eve! For witches, it’s Witch’s New Year and our native Festival of the Dead. This blog will guide you back to some of our lost ancient history, reawakening the connection between your spirit and the natural world. Witchcraft is an ancient Goddess religion, not some hocus pocus. It’s time to reclaim the natural order of your world for your spiritual wellbeing.
Commercialised Horror
Thanks to the supermarkets, most people—including my own kids, despite my best efforts—think Halloween is about dressing up and raiding the neighbors for e-numbers. Some even believe it’s an American invention!
I’m offended that Christmas gets more attention than Halloween when Halloween predates it by far. Where’s the BBC helpline for that injustice? But it’s no surprise when you remember that Samhain is the one Pagan festival the Church couldn’t co-opt. They couldn’t preempt or repurpose it because Samhain is about the dead, and with no fear of death, we’re not so easily controlled. Sit with your thoughts around death for a moment. Do you fear it? What if you didn’t…?
Final Harvest of the Souls
Samhain is the third and final harvest: the Harvest of Souls. As the light fades and the air becomes heavier with moisture, the veil between the worlds thins. It’s easier now to connect with loved ones who’ve passed beyond.
Spirits manifest more easily at twilight, a time when light and shadow blur. This is why many sacred sites are near water—moisture helps give form to shadow. It’s practical magic, really. During Samhain, we invite our ancestors and spiritual guides to join us, to thank them for their protection throughout the year.
The Spiral Cycle of Human Life
Three is the magic number: Birth, Life, Death. Past, Present, Future. Maiden, Mother, Crone. This sacred triad weaves through life, the moon, and the natural world, guiding us through the spiral of existence. The Maiden is Spring, the Mother is Summer, and the Crone reigns in Autumn. Winter belongs to Death.
At this time of year, Mother Nature takes her Crone form. The harvest is over, leaves fall as the trees draw back their life force in preparation for Winter. Life retreats.
Autumn’s Crone Season
Autumn is the season of the Crone, once revered as a wise elder, not feared as a hag. It’s time to reclaim this title as a force for good. If you’ve earned your stripes through life’s wisdom, you have the right to embrace the Crone within.
The Church twisted this sacred archetype into something ugly and threatening. In their need to monopolize healing, they demonized women who knew the natural ways. But witches understand the power of age—Samhain honors old age as the advent of wisdom and peace. The Crone is the guardian of the dead and the ruler of the autumnal harvest.
Witch’s New Year
Samhain marks the end of the year’s cycle and the mystery of death’s place in life’s journey. It’s time to rest, reflect on the year’s harvest—both physical and spiritual—and descend into the shadowlands of our own souls. The Reed and Elder Moons are here to support this journey into the depths of self and recovery. Rest is a radical act, necessary for mental and spiritual wellbeing, and it’s why so many people fall ill during the Winter Solstice rush—it’s unnatural!
The Death Head Feast and Pumpkin Carving
Long before jack-o-lanterns, the Celts placed the skulls of their ancestors on the table with candles inside to represent the warmth of life. Known as the “death’s-head at the feast,” this practice has morphed into the pumpkin carving we know today.
Next time you carve a pumpkin, spare a thought for your ancestors, and maybe opt for a large squash you can actually cook with. Those plastic pumpkins? They’re an insult to the earth—and dangerous to hedgehogs!
Sweet Remembrance
The tradition of giving sweets began as a way to make the Feast of the Dead memorable for children. These treats were seen as gifts from the ancestors, reminders that their protection was still needed to sustain the living. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there, watching over you.
The Ancient Art of Shapeshifting
Wearing masks and costumes has always been a sacred practice, allowing us to channel deity and embody spirit. Ancient priests and priestesses donned animal masks, believing they were possessed by their totemic animals.
This practice is why witches were once accused of shapeshifting during the Christian witch hunts. And while we might not be literally turning into wolves and bears, when I wear my crown and cloak, I feel Artemis flow through me. I invite you to try it—costume can be a gateway to spiritual transformation.
Black Cats and the Goddess Bastet
Witches are often depicted with black cats, their familiars. These magical creatures trace their origins back to the Egyptian goddess Bastet, protector of home and hearth, women, and children. Independent and powerful, cats have long been our companions and protectors, much like the magic we hold within.
The Cauldron: Sacred Alchemy
The cauldron, much like the Sacral Chakra, is a vessel for transformation, representing the divine feminine. It’s not about brewing potions to hex your enemies, but about turning raw ingredients into something new—whether that’s food, wisdom, or magic. It’s our own Holy Grail, a symbol of creation and healing.
The History of the Witch’s Broom
The broom, or besom, is now used to sweep negative energy from a space, but its history is rich. Witches once hid their wands and potions inside broomsticks, and hallucinogenic potions were often applied to the broom and then absorbed through the skin. This gave rise to the legend of witches flying—albeit in an altered state of consciousness!
Ways to Celebrate Samhain
Samhain is a time to honor both the living and the dead. Plan a family feast to celebrate those who are here and those beyond the veil. Go for a twilight walk and acknowledge your spirit guides. Prepare for your shadow journey by clearing your schedule, resting, and reflecting on the lessons of the past year.
If you want more guidance, I offer Spiritual Circles, Spiritual Counseling, and Witchcraft Teaching. Book a FREE 15-Minute Consultation to discover what’s right for you.
The Crone reminds us that fear of death is a waste of power. Instead, embracing death as part of life allows us to truly live.
If you would like more guidance, I run Spiritual Circles, offer Spiritual Counselling and teach Witchcraft. Book yourself a FREE 15 Minute Consultation to discuss which option is best for you.
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