Physical Wellbeing – Why is DNA Testing Important
Who am I? DNA tests done…Not who I thought I was for sure! DNA testing is an important part of determining physical wellbeing. It also plays a valuable role in mental and physical wellbeing too. It gives us another layer of self understanding and awareness.
DNA Exercise Advice
My gym instructor told me if I did a DNA test, he could tell me which exercises and what diet would give me the body I’d always wanted. Because, it certainly wasn’t the body I’ve always had, typically!
Fail on All Levels
What he neglected to tell me was, that there were different types of DNA tests and I naïvely bought the one that only tells you where your ancestors are from. Now, I’ve discovered I am 20% Jewish I don’t feel I can splurge a further £60 on the right one…it’s backfired all round.
Breed Expectations
So, I expected to be told that I was 90% Scottish and 10% Italian, based on the stories both my Father and maternal Grandfather had filled my ears with since birth – literally! A useful background on these two characters; My Grandfather was horrified to discover my Father was a ‘Campbell’ 3 weeks before he married my ‘Stuart’ Mother and the malaise between them lingered ever on.
Ancestral Rag Off
In the 1990s, they both decided to research their family roots, of course it turned into competition for a more superior and interesting background. My Grandfather sort of won that round, he is a direct descendent of the famous Italian Florence Orsini family through his Mother, and that ancestor called Catherine of Medici, ‘Grandmother’.
No one is more patriotic than a Expat Scot
The stories always debased these awful ‘sassenachs’ and made much of my thoroughbred Scottish bloodline. Ironic, in that both of these zealous patriotic Scots had left this magic land at the earliest opportunity. And, according to other similarly proud international Scots, we’re the most well-travelled people in the World! These exports tend to be more ‘Scottish’ than the actual Scots, and nobody likes to dwell on why they all wanted to leave….
Bloody Breakdown
What I did discover, was not only was I only about 34% Scottish, Irish or Welsh, I was 27% English – shock horror. Instead of having Italian blood, I have Iberian and I’m over 20% Ashkenazi Jew. The rest of me is an unanticipated mix of Eastern European and West Asian.
Complete Mongrel
This is hilarious on so many levels. Obviously, and primarily, because I am no ‘true blood’. I am tainted with satanic ‘sassenach’ blood. And, I didn’t pollute my blood line with ‘english blood’ when I married my Husband. What about the Italian link??? Does the Orsini Medici family actually have its roots in Iberia? Were they really and controversially secretly Jewish?
Missing the Share
My Grandfather is now deceased, so I couldn’t share these amusing shocking findings with him. Or, enjoy the fall out of these two strong characters battling it out to own or disown my various genes.
I could however ask my Father, he said he was unsurprised about the English part as he’d always suspected we carried some….. Well knock me down with a feather – seriously! I have found that as my parents mature they frequently re-write history, but this really took the shortbread or should I say biscuit or even lekach?
Natural Affinity
On a positive note, as I’ve always migrated towards Jewish people and appreciated their spiritual beliefs, this enlightenment pleased me greatly. I’ve also felt a strong affinity with Iranians/Persians, I love their food and culture, so I am choosing to believe that’s my West Asian origins.
Who Knew
However, I was also surprised by my Balkan Eastern European elements. It’s true to say I’m very attracted to men with dark hair and eyes, I’d always attributed this to my totally recessive colouring; red hair, pale skin and blue eyes. But given that I’m so latin in my temperament and teased my Husband, when he complains that he should have married an Eastern European….it turns out he sort of has!
Sharing the Gift
This whole experience caused me so much joy and amusement, I decided to give my Husband a test for Christmas.
At first, he was completely reluctant, he has virtually zero presence on the Internet by choice and he didn’t want the Americans (where the tests are analysed) to have his DNA.
Get Real
I questioned his fear and pointed out that it was unlikely the Americans would use his particular DNA to clone anyone or thing! And, spent a lot of time enthusing on finding out where he got his dark eyes from; I was asked during an eye test on my daughter whether my husband was mixed race. He finally agreed to do it, under a false name and bogus encrypted contact details, of course!
Fantastic Results
Well well well….the amusement turned to hilarity when we discovered my so-called ‘English’ husband is actually more Scottish than I am and doesn’t possess a drop of English blood! He’s spent the entire duration of our relationship ribbing me for being Scottish! Not only that little gem, he is very Scandinavian which is no surprise given his surname and looks, but also West African and Nigerian – those eyes! We’ve always thought he originated from Derbyshire and none of his family had moved very far, clearly that only relates to the last few generations of his family bar him. He’s an immigrant to England….lol.
Why DNA testing is important to physical wellbeing
Because we’re all so cosmopolitan these days, it is really useful to know where we come from in terms of how diet and climate will affect our physical wellness.
I often find with my clients that can’t lose weight, it’s because they’re eating the wrong indigenous diet.
For example, I’ve a client from the Philippines who is seriously overweight, morbidly so, who couldn’t stop eating cheesy pastries and wheat based products. And one from Montserrat, who similarly couldn’t resist a cheesy pastry and has significant digestive issues.
Neither made any consideration to their genetic dispositions and both are much more comfortable on diets more closely resembling what their ancestors ate.
Next Steps
Sign up for a Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation with me, where we will cover this and everything related to your personal wellbeing and what it will take for you to achieve true health.
DNA Test Final Word
In conclusion, if you fancy a laugh do a test. Perhaps get everyone else in the family one too, anything to brighten up those special family arguments at Christmas! I recommend myheritage because I learnt that ancestry keeps changing people’s DNA origins?!