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I want to say lorem ipsum dolor amet! Proin nisl risus, tincidunt sed rutrum nec, imperdiet ac enim. Morbi faucibusd ac – lorem glavrida liquam lorem ipsum dolor erat volutpat.
Aliquam ex sem, iaculis at interdum non, bibendum non est. In mi sapien, consequat ut consequat eget, aliquet quis lectus. Fusce iaculis odio nec commodo vulputate.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet – consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lorem ipsum dolor aliquet molestie quam gravida.
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Volutpat neque mauris et leo. Donec at neque egestas, feugiat leo eget, ultrices orci.
Vivamus sagittis tortor et nisi viverra, vel laoreet nisl auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin nisl risus, tincidunt sed rutrum nec, imperdiet ac enim. Morbi faucibusd ac – lorem glavrida liquam erat volutpat.
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Surrendering to Divine Timing will make your human experience on Earth much more comfortable, read my blog to understand what Divine Timing is and how and why to surrender to it.
Life and death are a continuous cycle, which has purpose. Understand why death is not an ending…
How you can achieve holistic wellbeing using astrobiology, for we are all made of stars…
How you can achieve holistic wellbeing using astrobiology, for we are all made of stars…
Moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, my experience lasted over 18 months, read about my hellish journey and enjoy my free tips
As a herbal tea lover and prescriber and owner of fifty six different varieties, I tell you why you need to use herbal teas for health and wellbeing…
It’s been three years but it feels like ten since you left…
More natural and interesting ways to self medicate yourself to wellness…
Turn off your inner critical bitch naturally and become the balanced unicorn you always knew you were inside…
My natural tips and remedies to help your hormones…
Why eating gluten is so dangerous for everyone…
Learning English can be a challenge, Ruth from Blue Noun has found a way to make it easier…
The wellbeing of your gut is intrinsic to your overall health, understand how you are threatening it…
What is toxin overload and how does it impact wellbeing?
What is it like being an empath? What does being an empath even mean? Read my blog to understand this precious superpower…
Quantum healing hypnosis takes your healing to a whole new level…
Improve your physical wellbeing by learning how to manage your allergies naturally…
We are taught nothing about natural health and wellbeing, here are my 5 natural steps to health.
Are mega doses of vitamins safe? Why you need vitamin therapy for physical wellbeing…
What is histamine intolerance? What impact does it have on your physical and mental wellbeing?
How to get rid of stubborn belly fat for physical and mental wellbeing! The curse of menopause…
My blog on how to get through menopause naturally…
If you haven’t already gathered, I am taking Maddy Shine’s #ShowUpGetBooked Challenge this week to enhance my social media presence and attract more people to help, empower and heal. This has involved some fabulous challenges, which I’ve done my best to respond too by way of improving this website. I’d love to get your feedback…
Your health is written in the stars. Medical astrology is an ancient wellbeing practice that brings tremendous results…
What does it mean to be sovereign? Will you fight for your freedom?
2 years after my father suddenly died, nothing seems to be straightforward, even now…
Elder, the 13th Celtic Tree Moon and certainly one of my favourites
Time to call your Ancestors
Ivy Moon Mysteries of Celtic Tree Moon 11
What is it like being an empath? What does being an empath even mean? Read my blog to understand this precious superpower…
The magic of a Bramble Muin
One of Britain’s oldest trees…
Holy Holly’s sacred protection
This Moon is the doorway to other worlds, where you can find your highself.
Hot, fiery and fertile Hawthorn takes you to the land of the Fae
Why is DNA testing important to physical wellbeing…
Undercut me baby – Trendy or just coming of age?
Why eating locally and in season is important for physical wellbeing…
Learn why you keep waking at the same time each night or why you have Insomnia
Sensitivity is a fabulous superpower, largely overlooked and totally misunderstood…
Where is the escape button? Oh no, there isn’t one, what can I do to stay sane…
Healing Willow, the Witch’s tree, helps you to ground your powerful emotions
Enjoy a technicolour journey into all treatments I’ve tried on my overactive bladder…
How to manage your mental wellbeing in a pandemic through thought policing…
Understand Imbolc and how to celebrate it…
The magical history of Easter…
Phallic Maypoles and Burning Bushes – Understand the magic of Beltane
Put magic into your Solstice worship and celebration using ancient practices.
Time to make a Corn Dolly…
This blog will help you to understand human creation and all it’s magic
Thank the light, prepare for the dark…
The value of your shadow side…
13 is NOT an Unlucky Number, She is Divinely Feminine and Magic!
Chronic food intolerances and their impact on physical and mental wellbeing laid bare…
Are you being gaslighted? What does gaslighting do to your mental health?
It’s Not You When you leave a job made untenable by an individual, it’s always a relief to discover it’s not you; even when you knew it really wasn’t in the first place! The knowledge brings a sweet release, made even sweeter in the case of a gaslighting, where you’ve been repeatedly driven to question…
I don’t want to fill the dead’s shoes, it’s winter, time for personal introspection for spiritual growth…
Living is different in and after grief, managing your mental health is the difference in making it better…
There are no rules! I LOVE that film…And, if there is such a place, please let me in on the secret! Not Alone in this Club I kinda don’t want to write this, because I feel that these days I’m always full of the doom of my struggles just to survive. But I’ve never been…
There is nothing quite like grief, it is virtually impossible to explain and incredibly hard to get through. I seek to give you solace with my blog on managing grief.
My father dropped down dead…
How do you feel about death? Is it all about sadness or can you see the celebration?
The irony and daylight robbery of being Gluten Free and how it helps for Irritable Bowel Syndrome…
Hot flushes, irritation, mood swings, HRT…
What is hEDS and why can it take so long for a diagnosis…
Monarch of the Waters, the bleeding Goddess Tree
The magic unicorn tree, allowing us entry to the inbetween worlds
2nd Moon Phase since Winter Solstice
St Brigid’s tree, the herald for spring and representative for maiden energies
24th December – 20th January
Celtic Tree Moons explained
Nettles are a forgotten superfood medicine that give your physical wellbeing a massive boost
The Beauty of Water…Pimp up Your ‘Council Pop’ for FREE
How to improve physical wellbeing in Winter by wild food foraging in Autumn
A comprehensive guide into our Native Festival for the Dead
Unravelling the history and complexity of the Christmas Celebration and returning the spiritual context of Winter Solstice
Linking Heaven & Earth – Balancing Alder Fearn Tree From the 18th March until the 14th April, we’re under the Alder Moon. This is known by the Celts, as the Fearn, pronounced “Fairu” moon. In Folk Lore she goes by the moniker of Owler. This is a time of accelerated growth and the beginnings of…
Is every woman a witch? What defines a witch and how does it impact spiritual wellbeing…
Read my blog to understand the important of spiritual wellbeing in the Age of Aquarius…
How you can improve your physical wellbeing by getting quality sleep using essential oils and a 1000 plastic pricks…
Can HRT really work? Enjoy my HRT experience, I’d rate it for physical wellbeing but not mental wellbeing and here is why…
Menopause wreaks havoc on your mental health. Read my blog for natural ways to prevent and treat your depression in menopause…
Aliquam ex sem, iaculis at interdum non, bibendum non est. In mi sapien, consequat ut consequat eget!