Physical Wellbeing – How to handle menopausal hot flushes
Please sing I am, getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off...(Nelly; 2002), whilst enjoying this blog to really feel it!
Who Turned up the Heat?
And at this moment I really do, I feel like I am going to explode…and no it’s not with sexual desire! Right now I am SO not into that and this is not a blog on porn…that may come later! Right now I am going to share my experiences of hot flushes and give you some tips on how to handle menopausal hot flushes naturally. For you don’t need to suffer them and you can make them go away quickly!
Method blogging
I find that in this piece I am ‘method’ blogging, which is akin to ‘method’ acting. I’m virtually naked, hot and sweaty in a moist unpleasant but apt way. Thus hot flushing like a pro!
Could this be a fever I’m describing?… non, it’s the nemesis of my 40th decade, the ‘pause’! I refuse to refer to menopause with its full title in an attempt to diminish my fear of it.
Besides, isn’t it like a ‘pause’, a contraction of too many of my ingredients for happiness?
Menopause fear
I’ve been dreading menopause since I saw it turn my calm and collected Mother into an emotional terrorist. If it could do that to her, she at least came from a serene place whereas I do not, what the hell is it going to do to me?!!!!
Period hell
My ‘curse’, so well named, from inception involved a lengthy stay in the ‘House of Pain'(Cypress Hill) going ‘Insane in the Membrane‘, whilst being simultaneously ravaged by the Hounds of the Baskerville. (Click on the Link for the nostalgic soundtrack)
The period talk
What’s laughable about this is that when it first occurred it was my Father not my Mother who gave me a ‘talk’ on how to treat this physical development?! He literally told me to ‘Jump Around‘ , take it in my stride and not give in and become a victim to it. According to him, I had a choice in how to experience my period!? Was he a red-headed female? Was he a visitor to Menstrual Island? Ha, clearly not and nothing like, given that he is a man!
Extra gifts
Plus adding insult to injury, not only do I get the aforementioned pain, I am fortnightly blessed with water retention, painful spots and a ride on a terrifying emotional seesaw. Yes, ovulation is just as shit – the bonus ball from hell if you like.
The full hysterectomy aka filleting
Therefore, is it any wonder that I have chose to expedite the ultimate conclusion of my fertility by way of an ‘oophorectomy’. Terminating the tiresome havoc my hormones wrecked because the hysterectomy did not remove my cyclical journeys through Hades. Plus the monthly stomach injections were torture beyond torture and I was fed up with looking like a victim of domestic violence.
Stomach injection horror
So, here I sit melting onto the couch, growing more crotchety and crone like by the minute (I’m not allowed HRT until the 2nd injection) complete with a massive purple/black bruise on my stomach, writing to you.
Yup, Zoladex involves an injection of a pessary into the subcutaneous fat on your tummy. The needle is fairly massive and the nurse prefers to accompany the delivery with a side order of lidocaine – which bloody stings!!!
I thought it would be okay because some bright spark said there were fewer nerve endings in the stomach and since my second child I carry a few fatty tyres in that area – non, non, non. I am sincerely hoping this bruise heals before my next stabbing, or there will be some screaming and crying.
Facing my fear
I’ve therefore invited and encouraged my menopausal foe, instead of it creeping up on me. I’ve put my foot on the gas and driven to ‘difficult’ through intention.
I’m in the midst of the ‘change’, the well pool of life drying up within me, along with my short-term memory, mental health, patience and passion.
Husband in menopause
My Husband is not taking it well, he feels he has no more slack to cut! He naïvely hoped the womb removal alone would deliver a calmer more reasoned wife…forgetting he chose to marry a feisty red-head!
And despite repeatedly furnishing him with the facts like why this is gruesome process is necessary and that I really am trying to control my ‘pause’ ogre, he just can’t help snapping back or taking the piss – not very wise!
Thus his support is somewhat compromised and patchy, really only running to the hunter gathering of chocolate and booze – despite my frequent reminders I am trying to diet – the ‘pause’ is bloody fattening too?! Bet you wish you were in my harmonious household at the moment…
Can’t manifest an adult approach
I had thought I would be very grown up about this next ‘stage’ of my evolution and not eat refined sugar, drink caffeine or alcohol in a bid to reduce the side-effect of the ‘pause’.
However, in practice it’s impossible because along with my general shoutiness and extreme irritation with my Husband, I seem to have developed a ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude to self-control – helpful!
This is what I’m aiming for, no I can’t read the small print either, but I like her vibe….This is what I’m likely to achieve….
How to handle menopausal hot flushes
So finally, we get to the part you actually wanted to read… How can you handle menopausal hot flushes naturally. Firstly, do know that there is some choice here, you do not need to suffer these hideous wet experiences, you just need to work out how far you are prepared to go to get rid of them. If you are committed, you will need to manage and reduce your toxin levels, read my blog on What is toxic overload and 5 tips to treat it. Unfortunately they are a sign that your body is over toxed and getting rid of anything and everything pushing it beyond. This means cutting out sugar, dairy, gluten, alcohol, caffeine and anything that you are sensitive too.
With health you need to approach from the inside and the outside…You need to eat in a way that supports your body to work well and attain balance. This also involved exercise, but sensible amounts. This will help with the stubborn fat suit that menopause often puts us in, read my blog on How to get rid of stubborn belly fat in menopause for more on that.
Remedies that you can use to prevent or manage your hot flushes would include herbal tea infusions and essential oil blends. Here I would personally be using Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Calendula and Peppermint to either drink or having in a portable essential oil blend. As I always say though, it really is down to what will work for you as an individual, we’re all different. It maybe Lemongrass or Melissa that chills you out and Eucalyptus that cools you down.
How I can help with menopausal hot flushes
If you book yourself a 360 Wellbeing Consultation, this will help me to establish why you are hot flushing and give you all the natural remedies to stop them from happening or make them more manageable.
If you want to dip your toes into my bespoke creations, I can make you up an essential oil blend and or herbal infusion to try using my aromatherapy and witchery skills.
If you’re not sure which path you’d like to take, get in touch for my guidance.