And the pyramid shaped scales fell from her eyes….
Human Being
Sooooo here I am, I’ve been writing all these blogs on health and spiritual matters and thought you’d like to know that behind them is still a much flawed human being and not a perfect human doing….
Far from Perfect
In case, I was coming across as ‘holier than thou’! I do actually do what I write about, attempting to relay ‘accessible’ info, I just need you to know I am not trying to start a cult or create clones….
Have I Joined a Cult?
Tho I do feel a bit like I’ve inadvertently joined one….whoops, did I just write that out loud?
Working for a MLM
This week I’ve had to come to terms with the realities of working for a ‘network marketing company’, aka a ‘legal’ pyramid selling scheme…(I’m not allowed to call it that so SSSShhhhhh)
Today’s newest business model, adopted by many savvy money-making individuals across the World.
Business Model Sans HR
This innovative approach keeps overheads to a minimum, by placing the sales and marketing strategy and success firmly in the hands of the users. The Company doesn’t need to soil its hands with the nitty-gritty of Human Resource Management, and can focus instead on the creation and development of excellent products. It’s a partnership or sorts….
No Getting Rich Quick
However, what it is not, despite ridiculous promises, is a way to make money quickly.
Sure, if you get in at the beginning you are laughing all the way to the bank.
But, if like me, you’re joining later on down the line, success is a slow burner.
Working 24/7
Success requires a consistent 24/7 approach to social media and a serious financial investment in online ads to recruit other individuals who want to make a business selling the same thing….’selling the business’!
Really a Recruitment Business
If you want to make enough money to live on, forget about selling the actual products and focus on recruiting good sales people….
Errr, I got into this because I like the products not because I want to run a recruitment agency….WTF?
Dog Eat Dog
And because of this ‘each man for themselves’ approach, the retail prices are inconsistent and you have to rely on the strength your relationship with your customers to keep them loyal to you!?
Unrealistic Reliance on Relationships
Which in this day and age is bloody impossible….as I found out to my detriment with a good friend. The only defence from this, as relayed by my closest superior, is there is no guarantee the cheaper product flogged on wherever, is genuine…Yes, there are amazingly talented fraudsters out there and this, fortuitously , is not a product you should take a fake risk on…but really???
Where’s the Moral Duty of Care?
To add to that point, I am selling something potent and valuable that requires the regular and in-depth relaying of salient knowledge.
In the wrong hands, it has the power to be dangerous and cause harm to the user and the environment. There is a moral duty of care, that isn’t taken into account with this remuneration strategy rewarding mass recruitment.
No Reward for Doing the Right Thing
The focus should be on account development, quality and not quantity. I have integrity, so I make sure I know, to the best of my ability, what I am selling. And given what I am selling, I only offer a personalised service. This is labour intensive and isn’t making me pots of money but it’s what I can live with...and no I am not just saying that!
You Need Business Know How
In this type of business, professional support is thin on the ground. Yes, there is oodles of friendly support on Facebook, certainly you’d be challenged to find a group of more supportive and friendly individuals; we have FB groups for everything you could possibly want and need. But you really need to know your business onions, this is not the environment for beginners, indeed those raking in the serious money have loads of relevant experience.
Victim of Success
And, as is the case with the company I work for, which is expanding like wild-fire, you become the victim of its success….System problems take an age to resolve, key fundamentals can get missed out of the induction….like how to set yourself up to get paid?! It’s a tad demoralising to say the least….
Modern Pyramid
I have to say, I am a little surprised at finding myself here , given that many moons ago a friend tried to talk me into a similar scheme and I point-blank refused telling him he was potty and the business model was a scam…errrrr…an another example of ‘never say never’ coming to bite me in the arse! But to be fair, modern day pyramids are slightly better built.
Honest Account
This blog isn’t about slagging anyone off or pointing fingers, it’s an honest account of my personal experience and me raging against the machine….I really know no system is perfect, that’s life, and I absolutely adore and believe in what I am touting.
Owning My Success
The Company I work on behalf of, is faultlessly ethical and deserves it place as one of the market leaders. The products are making me feel great on every level…they are the ‘dogs bollox’! But this really is a job done by ‘me, myself and I’…